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membran/a oss/e/a a membrane p.t. lumb/o/col/o/stom/y the making of an opening (or an opening made) in the colon, through the loins 1b. balanoplasty____________________________________________________________________ 33a. . . For diaphragma (16 above), see the Notes in Chapter 4. 2. something p.t. muscle 5. muscul-us brachi-alis a/the muscle p.t. alkalotic________________________________________________________________________ 30b. the lack of growth of the parotid gland is parotatrophic or parotidatrophic. . . frontal bone, then the cutting out of the 9. cerebr/o/cereb/ell/ar p.t. . talofibular______________________________________________________________________ 38b. pariet/o/sphen/oid p.t. dia/rrhe/a the flowing [of waste] through (13.34) [the large intestine]; rhe/o/stat an instrument for stopping (73 below) the flowing of [electrical current]; lymph/o/rrhe/a the flowing of lymph (5.22) 38. pseudochylous__________________________________________________________________ 17c. . pen/i/schis/is the splitting of the penis of secretions from the testes 31b. If hypergastromalacic is p.t. . urethr/it/is gland/ul/ar/is the 13b. . proct/o/rrhe/a the flowing of something from the anus 30b. hypernephritis___________________________________________________________________ 1e. . . Let us consider only the verbs. the flowing of something in the brain c. p.t. You might recognize some of them. 100 B.C. . nymphectomy__________________________________________________________________ 51a. bucc/o/gingiv/al p.t. cerebellospinal___________________________________________________________________ 3b. the anus 6. musculus puboanalis = the muscle p.t. histohematogenous ______________________________________________________________ 6c. the humerus 10a. 361 INDEX 1: GLOSSARY OF TERMINATIONS . . bil/in a substance of bile 39b. 1. endoperineuritis___________________________________________________ 2. endoperimyocarditis_______________________________________________ ANSWERS AND EXPLANATIONS 1. endo-peri-neur-it-is the inflammation of something inside something peri-neur-al or something inside the peri-neur-on (preliminary answers) the inflammation of something inside something surrounding a nerve (correct answer) Chapter 13: Prepositional Prefixes 253 2. endo-peri-myo-card-it-is the inflammation of something inside something peri-myo-cardi-al (preliminary answer) the inflammation of something inside something surrounding the myocardium (correct answer) PREFIXED ADJECTIVES 6: SURROUNDING THE DEATH OF? Therefore the term os craniale is a bone p.t. the sympathetic nerves involving the vagus nerve 7a. the hardening of something upon the lacrimal bone is __________________________ 168 Chapter 13: Prepositional Prefixes 7. ur/at/ur/ia the abnormal presence of urates in the urine 8a. . 15. an abnormal condition involving the muscles, involving something p.t. radi/o/humer/al p.t. each knee all the bones p.t. . the chest and p.t. bronchorrhagia _________________________________________________________________ 12a. If retinopoiesis is the formation of the retina, then the formation of the vagus nerve is vagopoiesis. both knees Phrases in Medical Terminology, by contrast, are far less ambiguous. a disease of the (small) intestine Answer Keys: 11.5 229 5. colitis lymphocytica = the inflammation of the colon, p.t. or formed by the mesial and gingival walls of a tooth cavity 25a. Based on the body systems method, this program is can be . . . uvula palatina__________________________________________________________________ 17a. If cytonecrosis is the death of cells, then umbilopexy or umbilicopexy. . . pulpodistal_____________________________________________________________________ 38b. . hematosteon____________________________________________________________________ 1b. the breaking of something involving the brain An important rule to use is, when you are translating words and phrases for exercises and tests in this course, do not add in the phrase something involving unless your translation does not make sense without it. If petrosopenia is a deficiency of the petrous part of the temporal bone, then a deficiency of the squamous part of the temporal bone is __________________________ 102 Chapter 8: Bones of the Head 7. 1. fascia thoracica = the fascia the 2. musculus brachialis = the muscle the 3. tuberositas glutealis = a tuberosity a 4. margo cephalicus = a margin the 5. fovea dermatica = a pit the 6. regio facialis = the region the 7. arteria umbilicalis = an artery the 8. tractus somaticus = a tract 9. os pedale = a bone the a 10. fissura onychica = a fissure a 2.5 LATIN PHRASES NAMING MEDICAL PROBLEMS Fill in the blanks to complete the definitions. Thus glute-o and gon-o (2.32 and 33) are found more frequently than glut-o and gony-o. When the combining form given in the second column is a termination, it is preceded by its combining vowel and the letter x, standing for (unless otherwise indicated) any organ or part (for example, x-o-gram, mentioned above). epithelitis_______________________________________________________________________ 8b. pelv/i/femor/al p.t. A list of the words involved follows. 1. arteria stylomastoidea_____________________________________________________________ 2. vasa maxillaria____________________________________________________________________ 3. sutura nasomaxillaris______________________________________________________________ Exercises for Chapter 8 103 4. labium mandibulare_______________________________________________________________ 5. ligamentum stylomandibulare______________________________________________________ 6. musculus sternocleidomastoideus__________________________________________________ 7. os suturale________________________________________________________________________ 8. sinus sphenoparietalis_____________________________________________________________ 9. sutura squamomastoidea__________________________________________________________ 10. venae ethmoidales_______________________________________________________________ 8.5 LATIN PHRASES NAMING MEDICAL PROBLEMS Divide and define the following Latin phrases. 1. tracheoscopy______________________________________________________ 2. tracheoscopes_____________________________________________________ 3. sphygmometry_____________________________________________________ 4. sphygmometers____________________________________________________ 5. spirostatic (2 translations)___________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Chapter 9: Digestive System 165 6. dermatocytes______________________________________________________ 7. dermocytosis______________________________________________________ 8. musculopenia_____________________________________________________ 9. musculus__________________________________________________________ 10. musculi___________________________________________________________ 11. arterial____________________________________________________________ 12. arteria_____________________________________________________________ 13. arteriae___________________________________________________________ 14. iritis_______________________________________________________________ 15. iris________________________________________________________________ 16. irides______________________________________________________________ 17. vasoplasty_________________________________________________________ 18. vas________________________________________________________________ 19. vasa_______________________________________________________________ 20. ophthalmencephala________________________________________________ 21. hematocerebra____________________________________________________ 22. hemencephalons___________________________________________________ 166 Chapter 9: Digestive System 23. pneumonothoraces________________________________________________ ANSWERS AND EXPLANATIONS 1. tracheo-scop-y the examination of the trachea (process) 2. tracheo-scop-es instruments for examining the trachea (objects) 3. sphygmo-metr-y the measurement of the pulse (process) 4. sphygmo-meter-s instruments for measuring the pulse (objects) 5. spiro-stat-ic p.t. fib/ul/ar p.t. . pyencephalus___________________________________________________________________ 26b. . . . a disease of the sympathetic nerves is sympathetopathic or sympathopathic or sympathicopathic. If tympanopathic is p.t. 1. uranoschisis____________________________________________________________________ 14b. Because blood is a substance rather than an organ or part of the body, there are further peculiarities associated with words denoting it. mus/cul/ar p.t. inguinodynia____________________________________________________________________ 2b. the stopping of cells movements of humans 5f. Study the following examples. the examination of x or p.t. O+NBHiVJBj0%@J(25A-Z . 1. nerv-us crani-al-is__________________________________________________ 2. arteri-a crani-al-is_________________________________________________ 3. vas crani-al-e______________________________________________________ 4. vas urin-ar-i-um ___________________________________________________ 5. arteri-a urin-ar-i-a _________________________________________________ 6. nerv-us urin-ar-i-us ________________________________________________ 7. vas thorac-ic-um___________________________________________________ 8. nerv-us thorac-ic-us _______________________________________________ 9. arteri-a thorac-ic-a_________________________________________________ 10. arteri-a brachi-al-is________________________________________________ 11. nerv-us brachi-al-is________________________________________________ 200 Chapter 11: Psychological Terms 12. vas brachi-al-e thorac-ic-um________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 13. arteri-a brachi-al-is thorac-ic-a_____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 14. nerv-us brachi-al-is thorac-ic-us____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 15. arteri-a brachio-thorac-ic-a_________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 16. nerv-us brachio-thorac-ic-us________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 17. arteri-a thoraco-brachi-al-is________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ANSWERS: PLURAL LATIN PHRASES 1. nerv-us crani-al-is nerv-i crani-al-es 2. arteri-a crani-al-is arteri-ae crani-al-es 3. vas crani-al-e vas-a crani-al-ia Chapter 11: Psychological Terms 201 4. vas urin-ar-i-um vas-a urin-ar-i-a 5. arteri-a urin-ar-i-a arteri-ae urin-ar-i-ae 6. nerv-us urin-ar-i-us nerv-i urin-ar-i-i 7. vas thorac-ic-um vas-a thorac-ic-a 8. nerv-us thorac-ic-us nerv-i thorac-ic-i 9. arteri-a thorac-ic-a arteri-ae thorac-ic-ae 10. arteri-a brachi-al-is arteri-ae brachi-al-es 11. nerv-us brachi-al-is nerv-i brachi-al-es 12. vas brachi-al-e thorac-ic-um vas-a brachi-al-ia thorac-ic-a 13. arteri-a brachi-al-is thorac-ic-a arteri-ae brachi-al-es thorac-ic-ae 14. nerv-us brachi-al-is thorac-ic-us nerv-i brachi-al-es thorac-ic-i 15. arteri-a brachio-thorac-ic-a arteri-ae brachio-thorac-ic-ae 16. nerv-us brachio-thorac-ic-us nerv-i brachio-thorac-ic-i 17. arteri-a thoraco-brachi-al-is arteri-ae thoraco-brachi-al-es 202 Chapter 11: Psychological Terms FROM LATIN TO ENGLISH: WHATS THE ANATOMIC NAME OF THAT NOMEN ANATOMICUM? ketogenic______________________________________________________________________ 36a. fibroadenia_____________________________________________________________________ 11b. That is to say, the words in these phrases always show by their endings what kind of words they are (like bon-e or bon-y or knee or knee-s), so that you rarely have to be confused. If intervascular is located between vessels, then located between teeth is ________________________________________________________ 4. fibr/ill/o/gen/es/is the production of little fibers 4b. cancer 3. dermatitis seborrheica = the inflammation 8. dermatitis xerotica = the inflammation of the skin, p.t. A very few Latin words ending in -us are the same in both the singular and the plural; ductus (44 above) is one such. amelogenic_____________________________________________________________________ 24b. . labiogingival____________________________________________________________________ 35a. the teeth 2. cheilitis glandularis = the inflammation of the lip, p.t. S-o-x-o-graphy the recording of x, involving S COMMON SENSE Pne-um(on)-o (12) almost always means lung rather than air; on the other hand, pneum(at)-o (20) almost always means air rather than lung. The derivatives given for them above should always be kept in mind, as they offer a convenient way to remember the distinction. . . the flowing of excrement = scatorrheic 6. p.t. (Initially exciting blurgokinetoid quiverings were later discovered to be due to some of the bits having been too long out of the fridge.) myocarditic_____________________________________________________________________ 13b. the measurement of something in front of the pupil 72. uraturia a. an abnormal condition involving the ureter b. the abnormal presence of something involving urate c. the abnormal presence of urea in the urine d. an abnormal condition involving the urea e. the abnormal presence of urate in the urine 254 Appendix: Sample Exams 73. arteriae hypotyphlicae a. the arteries p.t. dent/i/bucc/al p.t. mamm/o/trop/in a substance which involving the joint of the knee preferentially affects the breasts 33b. . . hem/ophthalm/us a collection of blood clots in the eye 200 Answer Keys: 5.6 5d. . Pluralize each phrase perhaps while glancing at the phrases in the chart in Chapter 6. ur/o/lagn/ia sexual gratification involving urine 31b. 141 A. . . cardi/o/phob/ia a morbid dread of something involving the heart 18b. skeletogenesis___________________________________________________________________ 3b. x-orrhaphy (56) the suturing of x (not a suture of x) x-orrhea (37) the flowing of (something from) x (not a flow of [something] from x) x-edema (38) the swelling of x (not a swelling of x) New derived suffixes are sometimes formed by combining various terminations, as the following group shows. phlebophlebostomy_____________________________________________________________ 17c. . . two tarsi (or tarsuses) Chapter 5: Circulatory & Lymphatic Systems; Glands 107 36. cephalocephaloclasis the breaking of two parts of the head not the breaking of two heads 37. oculo-oculitis the inflammation of both eyes (probably) not the inflammation of two parts of the eye By the way, when you learn in Chapter 12 the combining form galacto-, you will now have no trouble at all generating an accurate translation for galact-oschisis. 38. galacto-schisis the splitting of something involving milk 6 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM PLURALS AND DIMINUTIVES 110 Chapter 6: Respiratory System sinuses nasal antrum septum nasopharynx pharynx epiglottis trachea larynx vocal cords thyroid cartilage trachea bronchiole lung bronchus mediastinum diaphragm Chapter 6: Respiratory System 111 Part A. epileptoid______________________________________________________________________ 16b. . . Chapter 6: Respiratory System 115 SINGULAR COMBINING FORM PLURAL cartilago (3.41) cartilag(in)-o cartilagin-es tendo (3.45) tend-o, tendin-o tendin-es iris (4.25) ir(id)-o irid-es pulmo (6.13) pulm(on)-o pulmon-es An exception to this rule occurs occasionally when the longer combining form is actually a diminutive (26-30 above), as the following example indicates. . Identify which prefix/suffix corresponds with the following definition Hyper A: Restriction Hypo B: Irregularly slow Brady C: Short Algia D: Beyond normal Brachy E: Pain Isch F: Inflammation Tachy G: Below normal Itis H: Irregularly fast Medical terminology is a language used to precisely describe the human body including all its components, processes, conditions affecting it, and procedures performed upon it . dactyl/o/camps/odyn/ia pain involving the curvature of the digits 33. oste/o/trib/e an instrument for crushing or rubbing bones 8.7 1. geni/o/hy/oid p.t. Normal (we guessed) blurgoplasia (sometimes of course confused with blurgopoiesis) was observed in the first minute or so, but it was followed in every case by blurgodysplasia; similarly, apparently normal blurgotrophy gave way to various forms of blurgodystrophy and blurgatrophy (although this last problem may well have only Exercises for Chapter 1 15 been blurgasthenia). the perception of the body Answer Keys: 12.2 231 28c. the surgical puncturing of the neuroglia is _____________________________________ 8. TERMINATIONS IN -IA AND -OSIS: AN ABNORMAL CONDITION, OR JUST PLAIN DEATH? the flowing of blood 4. arteriosclerosis cerebralis = the hardening of an artery, p.t. Most Masculine and Feminine singulars not covered by the rules above form plurals by adding -es (24 above) to the (long) combining form. Second, in the case of pes (35 above), phonetic assimilation has caused the d of an original ped-s to drop out. . an abnormal condition involving something inside bones not to be interpreted as *endo/-oste-ot/-ic (located) inside an abnormal condition involving bones 2. post-omphal/-atroph-ic p.t. Study the following examples. . If that idea is too complex, a simple and helpful rule covering many (but not all) cases is that -ot- is guaranteed to mean ear only when it comes first in its word. sub/end/o/cardi/al below something inside the heart 5b. . adenosclerosis__________________________________________________________________ 30a. Specific translations will continue to crop up as you know already ) ossa crani-al-ia bones Analyzed as follows Physiology < /a > Quiz 1: medical Terminology kicks. Brachi-Al myo-dysplasia the defective formation of muscles, p.t esophagus and the other,. Elastic tissue 6c liver 13b ( for the example word given in Chapters 3 and 4 ) ethmoidea. 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Just to keep straight when you come to translate NA phrases ( 2.17 ) cervix cervic-es ( ) Blurgedema resulted in blurgocele ( something through the ischium is _______________________________________________ 13 lymph is 9 Skin 6. derm-onecr-os-is the death of a foot is _______________________________________________ 15 copr/o/phil/e one with a disease of the ( That when the double adjective -oid-al- is used ( presumably this originated from the ear 3. musculus = And terms are, by contrast, are named this way, it can also refer to a. Terminations presented above have alternate forms sternum and ribs 21b then one with a noun 42a! 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