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If I could decipher what he wrote I might be able to figure out if accountability is in there somewhere. Is the U.S. In due course I shall encourage you to add a category of man made, deliberately concealed. It is an ethics situational time and priority problem. The answer is that we would be in a very dark place indeed. You are right to focus on your grandchildren and great grandchildren, which means estimates of climate sensitivity and the economic cost of warming. Who am I kidding? If the law that gives me my mineral rights for the natural gas they are extracting thousands of feet under my property I guess I should be compensated for my geothermal resources too. While the current concentration of this vital gas is about 40% higher than at the start of the Industrial Revolution, unreported is that Earth has been suffering from steadily decreasing and perilously low concentrations of CO2. Looking at all the NOAA tidal gauge graphs showing no significant acceleration (plus studies) and reading countless papers that found evidence of LIA and MWP conditions in the SH finally pushed me over the cliff. A full assessment must take stock of the benefits of modest warming, such as its boon for plant and animal life in nearly all parts of the globe and positive effects on human health. A World Weather Attribution study found that climate change increased the likelihood of wildfires such as those in Australia by at least 30% since 1900. Who has it? I read long ago that there was evidence of terrace farming in Papua New Guinea highlands as early as 25,000 BCE. A recent article by BBC News covers research that claims potato crops in the British Isles may be significantly harmed by climate change. (2014)3, "The Earths climate is changing in response to increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and particulate matter in the atmosphere, largely as the result of human activities." To them the sun has been ruled out. As they show, such models can be and have been manipulated to advance beliefs and opinions under the guise of science. Nothing better illustrates the fact that we are dealing with a political cum religious cult rather than science where the quest for power overwhelms scientific inquiry. Why is it dangerous? Clifford D. Ollier, Professor Emeritus of Geology and Research Fellow, School of Earth and Geographical Sciences, University of Western Australia, In Hot Talk, Cold Science, Fred Singer has elegantly summarized the almost complete dichotomy between the actual science indications that greenhouse gases have a very modest effect on climate at best, and the alarmist view promoted by U.N. I.P.C.C. Why does everyone accept it as gospel when it displays no natural irregularity? There are hundreds of years of energy in nuclear waste. Fred Pearce The Climate Files: Free advice is never welcome, graciously accepted or followed. This appears true for large ans small scale forces and masses. The Science of Climate Change Explained: Facts, Evidence and Proof. It seems therefore unlikely that climate policy will change any time soon. (This image was taken by instruments aboard NASA's SOHO spacecraft. In the context of most of these comments it is a broad catch all term that can mean little warming or significant warming. The last two AMO envelopes are longer than average because the previous centennial minimum was 130 years earlier, while the Dalton Minimum was only 80 years before the Gleissberg Minimum. 21Nxg5 Bd7 22 Qe1 0-0-0 22 Ka1 Bc5 23Na4 Ba7 Thanks. [205] During this time period, atmospheric levels of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) have notably increased. Susan Callery Latest breaking news, including politics, crime and celebrity. The references and index are both quite thoroughly done. Now TSI over short time spans oscillates up and down and doesnt go all in one direction over short periods of time, but it clearly has a direc, immediate, and significant impact on the GT. If theres a bias its systemic. His criticism is crucial to the current debatea debate that will not soon be settled. Dear Dr. Nicola Scafetta, thank you very much for your research. I cannot do it. We are reaching out to scientists across all disciplines to provide in depth information in their field to further the public understanding of exactly what is happening on our planet. Opting finally for prudent measures that include conservation and efficiency as well as nuclear and alternative energy sources, the author hedges his bets and agrees to a no regrets policy which includes adaptation to climate changejust in case. List of Boxes, Conclusion I think you are right in evoking philosophy of science, but perhaps not for the epistemological reasons you mention. And you are heavily invested in anthropogenic climate in terms of papers and career, you rather die than be proven wrong. (Me being cynical, but it may be close to the truth.) The evidence is overwhelming that rising atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have will continue to help plants thrive, leading to greater biodiversity, shrinking deserts, expanded habitat for wildlife, and more food for a growing human population. I could reproduce it here but will not out of deference to the people at the other site. Moreover, what scientists know about global trends in climate events and other phenomena often run counter to popular belief: Severe storms have not increased in frequency or intensity since 1970 (except in the eastern North Pacific); heat waves and droughts are not becoming more common; global warming is not harming coral reefs; and sea levels are not rising any faster than usual. We are talking about bets. I am a simple naive scientific contrarian whose only issues with others is calling them out when they post opinions that are wrong, misleading or dare I say cherry picked. The book also provides excellent examples of the flawed science of anthropogenic warming (AGW) and the meaningless push by the advocates of AGW and also by climate modelers to Reduce CO2, which will be enormously expensive and have minuscule impact on the Earths climate. Built to help scientists understand how dust affects climate, the Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation can also pinpoint emissions of the potent greenhouse gas., 2022 Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. But he doesnt know what hes talking about either. We cant prove that X makes any sense .. does it prove that X makes no sense? Dont forget geothermal. However, one can disagree with your deflection to tipping points. 2, 2007, the US Supreme Court ruled (5-4) in Massachusetts v. EPA that greenhouse gases met the criteria to be considered pollutants under the Clean Air Act. And indeed satellite data has been analyzed and it shows a quite significant increase in greenery in arid areas. Some other people have a more lax set of ethics. Honour your commitments, Doc. Based on the aforementioned findings, it was determined that the surface-based temperature records may be at least 10% off when it comes to actual warming. Perhaps one area of potential recognition of common interest planting more trees? . javiers comment The most common opinion about the LIA in recently published research is that it was mostly due to volcanic activity.. Managing Editor People with open minds will see that the starting point for global warming, namely these temperature records from curated stations around the world, is in poor shape, so poor I would call unfit for purpose. I would encourage anyone involved with the global warming issue to give this book a serious hearing. I invite anyone here who is interested in Joshuas antics and my responses[s] to have a look at the dialogue at the other site. There was a problem. I commend it to all, and suggest it should be compulsory reading for all elected government, regional and local government officials and policymakers. Why, then, the continuing worldwide pandemic of panic about the mildly warmer weather we are enjoying? A proud member of RAILS. It cannot afford a bankruptcy, in contrast to what allow UK laws for insolvent endeavours. 3. I very enthusiastically recommend the book to everyone who wishes to learn why this debate is anything but settled. With the assistance of renowned climate scientists David R. Legates and Anthony R. Lupo, Singers Hot Talk, Cold Science is an essential, clear-headed book of scope and substance that no one who claims to value science, the environment, and human well-being can afford to ignore. [199], Predictions about how climate changes would affect civilization ranged from a Department of Defense report [154] detailing catastrophic weather events and a significant drop in the human carrying capacity of the Earths environment, to an Oregon Institute of Science and Health report detailing an increasingly lush environment of plants and animals. [155], The question of how climate change impacts extreme weather came to the forefront of public debate when wildfires raged across Australia for 240 days from 2019 through early 2020. The 15 warmest years on record have occurred since 2005, with the eight most recent years being the warmest. That changes a lot of how to view proxies. Earth can hold onto CO2 ,O2 and N Credit: NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies. The UK was talking about removing the ban on fracking, but that industry doesnt exist. Over the years and despite all the invectives poured upon him by the alarmists, Dr. Singer has stood his ground for scientific integrity and adherence to the scientific method. But proof is for logic and drinking, preferably both. The biggest short term variability in Greenland is the 8200 CE cooling event while in the Vostok ice core it is a warming event occurring at the same time. It is not correct to add another source, especially from a colder source. More questions than answers sums it all up. Let us depend on, rather than fear. Thats the entire problem with the MASSIVE corruption of climate science peer review. Angechs immodest game There is no limit they simply tend to cancel out over time. 1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 e5 c5 4 exc5 Nc6 Elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations are not forever. 2020. In fact, he finds that many aspects of increased CO2 levels as well as any modest warming, such as a longer growing season for food and a reduced need to use fossil fuels for heating, would have a highly positive impact on the human race. Abundant energy source almost any place on Earth are experiencing warming the Precautionary Principles the! Not if/until there is a complete, concise, factual and very few people have a second two! You want and so where is the 0.1C change that is that we would like to see dates. Ones life is beyond the pale commenters might make a distinction with CAGW or catastrophic anthropogenic global has. 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