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. (taken by Rose Weasley). 9. Ravenclaw Headcanon. Once & Future by Capetta & McCarthy. That's why when Harry was in his first year Molly took extra care to make sure he had one, especially when she heard about his home life. im a junior in high school now and emily's adulting as usual but we've just both been off tumblr (ive been off since may essentially). honestly the harry potter fandom is so wild like we've all collectively . James is a fantastic Chaser (like his mum) but Albus becomes a seeker in his first year. Thank you again, for all the love and support over the years. Warnings: None, mainly fluff and wholesomeness. on this blog for a while. Remus would have kept peters sweater but couldn't find it. Scorpius Malfoy loves his hair and his skinny jeans (so does Rose). I'm always torn between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw- I was first sorted into Gryff a few years back, but recently I was sorted into Raven. Not sure about accuracy, my mom told me about that. Albus didn't remind people of Harry or Ginny, he didn't look like James Potter or Lily Evans like his siblings, if it weren't for his eyes people would've thought he was adopted and originally he disliked not being immediately linked with his family but since he's gotten older he realized this can make him his own person. , harry potter, meta blog, marauders, headcanons, fanfiction, writing, fandom, sirius black, remus lupin, peter pettigrew, james potter When Lucius found out, he punished Draco badly and killed the girl. I know many of you who love HP have been saying to ignore her, that HP was written by Daniel Radcliffe, that it has no author. yes this is true as well!! Ron is the one Straight Friend but he's the biggest ally. This Is Where We First Met. 15 Harry Potter Tumblr Posts That Will Break Your Damn Heart. 'Prongs my dear it is I who is sorry for I am actually in an love with Moony!' Youre lovely too, never forget it, A Harry Potter headcanon blog run by Emily and Adiba | NOT ACCEPTING SUBMISSIONS | Please read the FAQ | Sidebar art by @loquaciousliterature. And Against Me! cache county fair 2022 why wrap a rubber band around door lock when alone; mapquest traffic prediction I have a Draco x reader request Basically the first chapter of that . #Lily Luna Potter #Harry Potter #harry potter next gen #harry potter next generation #harry potter headcanon #headcanon #hogwarts #Teddy Lupin #Albus Severus Potter #roxanne weasley #gryffindor #slytherin #ginny weasley More you might like Harry Potter TK Headcanons #1 hi lovelies :) or should i say losers? I have so, so many headcanons and somehow it has only struck me to post them here on Tumblr just now, at 11pm. so take these lee!harry . Harry Potter Headcanon - The portraits were the real heroes that year at Hogwarts. We ignored them and continued to give her a platform so that now she could attack the Trans community. Harry Potter Headcanons @hpotter-headcanons-blog. Well, you'll just love this! Albus didn't remind people of Harry or Ginny, he didn't look like James Potter or Lily Evans like his siblings, if it weren't for his eyes people would've thought he was adopted and originally he disliked not being immediately linked with his family but since he's gotten older he realized this can make him his own person. navigation. in 1994 when green day first became famous, they invited pansy division, an openly gay punk band, to open for them for the entire dookie tour knowing full well the responses would be mixed. Lucy Weasley was a quiet but very witty and sassy person, she liked to keep to herself but if you messed with her or anyone she cared about you best watch out. I Wish You All The Best by Mason Deaver. james potter headcanons. expecto patronum. Gryffindor: Get ripped. Also these will probably contain a lot of Teddy Lupin because he's the greatest. currently staffed by mod Dante and mod Peter | Tumpik . // Angst, pain, the like. it's all girls, #but anyway that's just me being salty i really do love the idea of this headcanon, #you didn't have to hurt me like this fam, #i'm not back really just answering a few old questions, #lmao sorry this is so long and honestly a mess right, #don't expect regular content from me just because of this post btw, #what are our tags for this shit i forget oh no, #i see yall saying this made you cry and honestly that was the goal, #keep tagging your reblogs with how this made you feel i live off that shit, #one of these days there might be something about remus that DOESNT make me cry, #oops i didn't say i wouldn't add just one little bit of sadness, Those are the Slytherins thoughts when they realize theyve fallen for a Gryff, It just happened one day when they saw them across the Great Hall, making a sculpture out of their mashed potatoes. spotted: Frank Longbottom II being a hot ass mess. IDk but mine would probably be like the smell of fresh snow, coffee and wool or somethin, fresh cut grass, a new book, earl grey tea, and my boyfriend i guess (lol im such a lame sap), STOP WITH THE WOLFSTAR YOURE MAKING ME SO EMOTIONALLLLLL (pls keep going I love it). Originally posted by forti-ficar - He has a habit of saying "sorry" after literally anything, it's almost like a defense mechanism for him. Alice Longbottom II almost dated Fred Weasley II until she realized how stupidly in love she was with James. Teddy and his wife were godparents to Albus and Scorpius adopted children. Harry Potter (soft) headcanon . When you have a significant platform, your content always finds a way into the hands of someone new. Im done. Harry Potter | Headcanons - Theodore Nott x Reader; A Domestic Day Hetalia | Oneshots - "Broken Skin" APH Prussia x Reader. Remmy, Emile, the dad, the really big bodyguard rat, and the rat at the end. Harry Potter sexuality Headcanons. Reader | Headcanons {SFW} A/N: These were requested by a discord mutual! A band fronted by a trans woman! Memes as Good as a Laughing Spell. hpotter-headcanons-blog. What happened to Adiba's blog? not keeping this blog up. I think the most important thing is to just forget about what the online quizes say for a minute. By the time you got to the black lake . hey hey hey, back with some more headcanons for our favourite magical franchise <3 this one is for the beloved brat that is known as draco malfoy :) Originally posted by beauxbatons-babe. Harry Potter Fanfic Series: What Have We Done? So no, I do not want to risk supporting her in that way. Im not sure if Im the best person to ask with a house identity crisis, since Ive always felt very certain that Im a Ravenclaw. Profile pic creds to @potionpatr0nus on IG. However, Ill try to give you the best advice I can and maybe other people can reply to this with some of their own advice for you. strolls back in after months of not posting because i heard my wolfstar was making people emotional, and i also heardkeep going so. And extracurricular driven. #harry potter # . loverofmusic18 liked this Indigenous people, Jewish people, Irish people, Black people. Most witches and wizards outgrow the ability to use wandless or "accidental" magic by the time they begin formal education. spotted: Albus Severus, Rose, Lily Luna, Hugo, Lucy and Molly in the English countryside. so many communities have been pointing out the problematic and hurtful elements in her writing for years and we let them down. a/n; i want to write more about this boy pLS THAT LAST LINE CAME OUT OF NOWHERE IT SCARED ME,,, i had to pump the brakes i feel like i was averting a little ways away from the original request but lordie do i have so much more to offer oh . when his father found out, he wasn't mad . Ramdom text that make us sad or happy like every single things in Harry Potter. After all, Harry asked to be in Gryffindor didnt he? I think Neville and Luna would have made a cute couple. Its about giving those who are already creating a better stage. Hes not a straight ally hes bisexual. Being a straight ally doesnt mean creating things for LGBT+ people. This blog will remain up, because I put a lot of work into it and dont want to forget all the good memories we did have. And new friends! The Dursleys are only mean and cruel to Harry because they were living with a horcrux (I saw this somewhere and not sure who to give cress to- CREDS TO WHOEVER CAME UP WITH THIS). Now heres a Batman Vs Superman Id pay to see. masterlist. try being a gay rat living in france who hates your dad and just wants to cook, why did this post make me realize there are no female rats in this movie, actually there is, she has one line at the end when she says how do you know?. Follow. We were first in line for the midnight premieres of the. My OTP literally just graduated, and now. Somehow, the Black and Potter family trees were linked by more than friendship. The reason for the above nicknames involve the kitten meowing very loudly whenever Umbridge does her horrid "hem hem" & Snape goes "she thinks ur calling her by her nameso sorry". Harry Potter HeadCanon @potter-head243. Harry Potter Headcanon. If theyre making your conflicted feelings worse you just need to put them out of your head. Harry Potter Headcanons. Originally posted by dial-666-for-satan. What if Petunia was cruel to Harry because Vernon was but Vernon was cruel because he knew how much it hurt Petunia when Lily had magic and she didn't. Hey you! the second prom was actually open not only to the students of the school, but also to any other lgbtq+ students as well as supporters in the state of mississippi who wanted to attend as well!! . Submit your work, pictures or thoughts here. Did she move again? and were truly sorry for not keeping this blog up. After the Battle of Hogwarts Ron and Harry insisted on coming with Hermione when she restored her parents memory. Now I finally understand. ok I just skimmed though the movie again, and here she is in the beginning, she just doesnt say anything, and you wouldnt guess she was a girl because they didnt do that weird humanizing, tits and longer eyelashes thing that most movies with animals do. I feel like there's really not enough of them :(, HEREis our general Slytherin tag | HEREis a particularly happy one about Slytherins throwing the best parties | and now for some new ones, Thank you! #jkr is a terf and an overall shitty person and i'm done supporting her, #when you're a professional proofreader and you still miss one of your own typos, #ok ok i have to stop making little edits to this, #sorry if you don't like it idk i was just rambling, #here are also some links to more sly and gryff headcanons ok cause i love you, #i'm pretty sure in the book a few male Beauxbatons students pop up in the background, #the films just were like ohhh feminine french school??? Harry Potter Headcanons: Magic Worldbuilding Wands and incantations are used to focus magic, however they also inadvertently cripple the ability to use magic without them. dating harry potter headcanons. hey yall i didnt move! And I dont want to be creating any more Harry Potter content that will act like free advertising for such a shitty person. ! and Clarks mourning the loss of his anonymity, meanwhile Bruce thinks its fucking hilarious, enjoy dealing w the press in both of your alter egos now, pretty boy, so Clark waits several months for the whole thing to die down before showing up as Superman to some party Bruce is attending and flying up to Bruce and goingpaybacks a bitch and just full on makes out with him in front of like a million reporters, #imagine all the criminals trying to kidnap batmans boyfriend and clarks struggle to look like a Normal Human Man#yes you have definitely stabbed me i am very stabbed right now(x). And Moony and peter just ignore them. WHY WOULD YOU NOT REBLOG BOTH PARTS DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG IT TOOK ME TO FIND THIS?!?!?! Here you can submit to us and if we like you're submission, we'll . Love, Belle<3, Molly, Expell, Dumbledore, Luna & Draco. Draco always staying at Harry's flat. Marauder Memes Up to No Good. Im @emhoardsbooks on all other platforms like instagram, twitter, tiktok, and even wordpress. :////, submitted by @ifelldownthatruddyrabbithole. Honestly, Luna was always portrayed as the weird one, but wasnt she a character to read about. Headcanons - Nordic Five Christmas Shopping - "Helping their S/O learn their native language" | Allies, Axis this band has always been using their voices for the right reasons and i love them so much for that. @amazingphil hope your days are filled with happiness, always. Harry putting his arm around Draco as they watch one together. in third year he started selling jars of sleekeazy's hair potion. pairing/s; harry potter x gn!reader warning/s; suggestive content summary; what being harry potter's s/o would be like. They were the ones who were constantly changing the passwords to the Common Room so the Carrows wouldn't be able to. Here is a link to a good compilation of books by Trans and Non-binary authors you could support instead. I want to change it to something non-HP related when I have the chance, but like I said Im not on this hell site much any way.). 1. spotted: Lucy Weasley in the Great Hallnot flirting with Frank Longbottom II. My one regret is that it took until now for many of us to recognize the harm she has caused. Harry had decided that he would be the one making getting the food. A new HP fan who might decidefrom seeing a headcanonto go buy the books or movies. spotted: Alice Longbottom II and James Sirius Potter being that annoying ass couple thats too cute for their own good and makes everyone bitter. Remmy is also really small. Because they know that Remus Lupin is . spotted: Scorpius Malfoy traveling around the UK being constantly photographed by Rose Weasley. Answer (1 of 21): J.K. Rowling's own words- Therefore, in the fifth year Professor Trelawney got sacked. Then she went to bed and had a dream. Most of the windows can be climbed out of and they pull themselves onto the roof. Some imagine that the Potter family originated with an Indian family who settled in England generations ago. Just think about all the details these fools went through to be there for their friend. Eat pasta. A soft fluffy plush that is not too baby or girlish. Follow. Whilst this very much amuses me, in Britain (or at least England) it's more common to say 'touch wood'. spotted: Lorcan Scamander on the Hogwarts Express (photographed by Lily Luna). @lindsayetumbls @elisaintime @nellachronism, (Wouldve been better with a different version of POTO but its irrevocably stuck in my head soeh. even though he felt that by still loving him. ~El. I'm not sure who to ask with this question, but I'm not sure which house to identify myself in. Fuck yeah Green Day, If Im not mistaken, there was a prom somewhere that was cancelled one time because a lesbian couple wanted to go, so Green Day rented a venue and had a prom for them. Headcannon: Slytherins all have that wall of hate because they need it. About . Pranks are gonna be pulled, sure. this is the offical Tumblr Blog of the Facebook Group Harry Potter Headcannons! This kid gets wrecked every-fucking-day just for his attitude. They don't do it like the Gryffindors do, for bravery, but for solitude. harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban, chapter 5, harry potter and the order of the phoenix, chapter 14, me while rereading poa: chill harry, malfoys life doesnt revolve around yours. By Riana Ang-Canning. because he's is afraid to live alone. They put it up when they were scared 11 year olds and they had magic! For the record, I don't consider The Cursed Child canon and as such will only take a few things from it. again, sorry for keeping this blog closed for so long :/ i would say that id try to bring this blog back but like i said as a junior im busy all the time so i will give you updates asap but dont expect too much. Greta Jarueviit. I feel he's always been reduced to two qualities:. remmy is trans and his father accepts that but not his passion for cooking, remmy: also im tired of eating literal rotted garbage, wheres the fic where Clark Kent gets caught kissing Batman, and then gets hounded by the media every waking moment becauseaverage civilian is dating Batman! For many of us, Harry Potter was our . But the Ravens take it in stride. We are here to bring you quality headcanons about the next generation of the Harry Potter series. Harry Potter Headcanon. Later, after a messy divorce with his wife, he married a muggle heiress. headcannon: ravenclaws get anxiety and procrastinate their assignments because they are afraid of net being good enough, especially because they are supposed to be 'the smart house'. Given the amount of history between James, Lily, and Snape, many headcanons suggest that James is not Harry's father, but Snape is due to an affair Lily and Snape had. But youre also more than welcome to find me and hang out in other places. Published Dec 14, 2016. They're largely academic, but not as much as the Owls. There arent too manyjust enough to feel daunting most of the time. Even though James and Lily were married, some fans suspected that Harry's biology was not that simple. (captured by a laughing Dominique Weasley). Warnings on the ends of the railings on the variable length staircases to fix a few petty annoyances. The two couples were incredibly close. Explore harry-potter-headcanon Tumblr blog with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience - feel free to submit headcanons of any type! Profile pic creds to @potionpatr0nus on IG. Maybe give this post a like if this is something you'd be interested in and feel free to leave any headcanon requests in my ask box. sirius and remus saved memories for harry. Headcanon #4. . Fred Weasley II was one of the most creative humans in the world, he saw things no one else did and understood the most abstract and conceptual ideas like they were everyday math problems. but then there was that night in the shrieking shack and he knew, he knew, and the shattered pieces of his heart began to feel warmer than they had in twelve years, the seventh time Sirius and Remus slept together was June 16, 1996, there hadnt been many chances since Sirius came back to Grimmauld Place, with Remus being out so often on Order business, Sirius had coaxed him up the stairs with kisses and caresses that made Remus feel seventeen again, does sleeping here give you nightmares? Remus asked a few hours later as he lazily traced the lines of tattoos on Sirius chest, and thought of the family that had never accepted this beautiful, loving man, i dont really dream about them any more, Sirius finally said,not after Azkaban, Sirius remembered everything Remus had ever told him, about the anxiety of falling asleep after a werewolf had attacked him in his own bed, but Remus remembered everything Sirius had told him too, and that was why he whispered,i want to stay, so they fell asleep, hair tousled, limbs tangled, breathing even with the certainty that they were safe in each others arms, one year a Slytherin paints their face silver and green before a quidditch match, before they know it theyre painting everyones faces, even students from other houses come to get their face painted, and its not just their house colors, but little designs too like flowers and animals and stars, one Slytherin whos particularly good at charms starts working with the face painter, soon the paintings are dancing across students faces, every one thinks Hufflepuffs are the first to start a food fight but really its always Slytherins, one year a muggle born Slytherin gets permission to rig up a movie night in the Great Hall, it becomes tradition and all the tables get moved aside and there are pillows and blankets spread out every where so the students can watch disney and marvel and romcoms to their hearts content, they love taking care of and chatting with the owls, even if they belong to a different student, some of the wealthier Slytherins organize a stand outside their Common Room entrance and fill it with sweets from Hogsmeade trips, soon they start filling it with other things too, extra quills and parchment, warm hats and mittens, the things are free to take for anyone who needs them, Slytherins are known for giving the longest hugs, they wont let go until youre ready for them to, they also love to sing, very very loudly and not always well, but they dont really care what you think of it, Slytherins also tell amazing jokes, they seem to know exactly how witty, punny, or dirty to make it depending on their listener, Slytherins love to sit outside in the sunshine on warm days, often they come back inside with flowers in their hair and infectious smiles on their faces. anyways, my family had started rewatching the harry potter movies and we're just finishing up the goblet of fire (my favourite movie, harry was so cute <3) and while i don't have much time for fic writing i certainly have time for headcanons!! harry potter and the order of the phoenix, chapter 14. me while rereading poa: chill harry, malfoy's life doesn't revolve around yours. We stayed up late reading the books and counting down the days until the next one was released. See more ideas about wolfstar, harry potter universal, harry potter funny. Welcome to Harry Potter Next Gen Headcanons. So I've seen a few headcanons where someone yells out, "Knock on wood," before a match and everyone whacks Oliver with their brooms. I believe in you," Harry reaussured, though the tears on his. what, do you think he keeps count of each time you end up in hospital wing, me while rereading ootp: holy shit he does, wheres that quiz where you choose lke 4 colours u like and 4 u dont and it hands your ass on a plate, thank you @cumleaf @@http://www.astro.com/cgi/atxgen.cgi?btyp=cf. The Film Actors: Then and Now. even though Albus was related to some of the best pranksters in the entire universe, it took a lot of training from Fred, James Sirius, Dominique, Scorpius and even Rose to get him to act natural while a prank was about about to go down. Ive come to this decision because I find JKRs recent comments about Trans people and the content of her new book despicable. Here are some headcanons based on that. im a junior in high school now and emilys adulting as usual but weve just both been off tumblr (ive been off since may essentially). Also idk if you do this but could you do a Slytherin dating a Gryffindor headcanons, slytherin related headcanons | gryffindor related headcanons, What do you guys think amoretentia would smell like to you? Albusdidnt remind people of Harry or Ginny, he didnt look like James Potter or Lily Evans like his siblings, if it weren't for his eyes people wouldve thought he was adopted and originally he disliked not being immediately linked with his family but since hes gotten older he realized this can make him his own person. Here you can submit to us and if we like you're submission, we'll post it! Draco falling in love with movies. Peter, not caring about how he looked, wore his with pride and always told Molly thanks. Prof. McGonagall Should Be Head of Everything. 15 'Harry Potter' Headcanons From Fans That We Desperately Want To Believe. so sorry for the inconvenience and ily all. On here you will find LOADS of stuff that you may not find on the actual Facebook, from Photos, to some longer fan fics, to some that were deemed a little to smutty for the facebook page! Below, Bored Panda has put together a list of hilarious Harry Potter-themed Tumblr posts. You're amazing. The Golden Trio was tortured for all of eternity by Lord Volde. "You got this, y/n. Have fun guys! Hermione and Ron talk about their stuffed animals and Harry confides that he never had any. They were too alike not to be related in some way. , oh you think your life is hard? I dont meanbrave andsmart but the true traits. im pretty sure that all the female coded rats are the smaller rats, which is apparently accurate to real rats. potter-head243. When Albus saw the compassionate Hufflepuff with his cunning Slytherin wife, it made him excited for his future with Scorpius. They are yours to make - you think about them yourself and then decide if you want to do something or not and yet somehow other people are allowed to judge you for the way you think and the path you decide to take. Can I please have some cute/happy Slytherin headcannons? It might sound stupid but it can really just come down to your gut feeling and what makes you happy. remus left them for harry in his will. Draco pretended to hate muggles and muggleborns to prevent anything like this happening again. Dominique had a unique outlook on the world, contrary to everyones belief she liked to see the better in everyone and genuinely believed anyone and everyone could change and she loved to see the best in people even through the darkest make up she could find. Especially when I have other things Id rather do in my time off from the real adult job that I have now. 11. There is an unspoken rule that if a Ravenclaw sees another Ravenclaw on the roof, they don't talk. Harry Potter Headcanons. potter-head243. idk on what to do. Harry Potter Headcanons (and other things) @harrypotter-headcanons. it was then that Sirius finally, finally, at first Remus called him names, that shall not be repeated, but between chaste, slow kisses, he told Sirius that, when Sirius woke up, Remus was already gone, the sixth time contained barely any sleep, theyd barely seen each other in weeks and Sirius felt himself being pulled apart by, and Remus, the man he loved, he barely saw him anymore, the sixth time was in early October, 1981, he and Remus talked, and argued, and argued, and fucked, and argued, and made up, and, until Sirius had to leave, too soon, again, he pressed a light kiss to Remus forehead, but didnt wake him to say goodbye, he didnt know that it would be the last time, in Azkaban, it was the soft feeling of Remus arms wrapped around his waist, their legs tangled together, the way the morning light emphasized the freckles on his face, the hoarseness of his laughter in the morning, the way his skin had felt during that last kiss goodbye, those were the things that he thought of during the long nights, and Remus, heart broken, also thought of Sirius. I know Im not very active here anymore but I always had this goal in mind that some day I would post the rest of the headcanon submissions that are in my inbox. I encourage you all to consider ceasing the creation of HP content, in order to minimize the damage she can cause and show your support for the members of communities who have been wronged. Albus and Scorpius were Godfather's to all of Teddy's children. honeyheartedbaby-blog-deactivat. Somehow, the Black and Potter family trees were linked by more than friendship. The Slytherin makes the first move after that, Its calculated and careful because they are so scared to be vulnerable with this person, But when they slip their hand into the Gryffs, the Gryff smiles this Smile To End All Smiles, Its a smile that shatters their heart and puts it back together better than before, The Slytherin sneaks the Gryffindor into the kitchens, (The Gryffindor lets the Slytherin think they never knew how to sneak into the kitchens until that point), They are obnoxiously soft with each other- little caresses on the cheek, forehead kisses, sharing sweaters when its cold, piggy back rides across campus, The Slytherin likes it when the Gryffindor takes them flying on cold fall mornings, even though they pretend to complain about waking up early, (They actually become a bit of a power couple, both of them top of class, its kind of terrifying), The Slytherin is fierce and protective but they also allow themself to be soft, Because they realize that falling in love with a Gryff means falling in love with someone who is fierce and protective too, So the Slytherin lets themself relax, knowing that with a Gryffindor they are safe, no, Sirius and Remus only fell asleep in each others arms seven times, the first was during the summer after their third year, when they were at the Potters for a week and fell asleep under the stars with James and Peter by their side, James knew at the time why Sirius curled closer to Remus and flung an arm across the other boys chest, but he did the second time, when he crept into the hospital wing after a particularly bad full moon at the end of fourth year, i cant sleep with other people, im a light sleeper Remus had muttered as he tried to push the boy away, shut up, you need me tonight and i refuse to fall asleep in that bloody chair, Sirius said as he made a space for himself on the bed, Sirius wondered, as he waited for Remus breath to even out, if the pounding of his heart would kill him before morning, they didnt sleep together again until the first night of their seventh year, when Remus was awoken by the nightmare Sirius was having across the room and- despite his struggle to sleep with others- crawled into his friends bed and wrapped his arms tightly around him, the next morning Sirius told him about the nightmares of his family, Remus told him about his inability to sleep deeply ever since the attack, ill stop bothering you then, Sirius said, and Remus kissed him softly in that bed, in the tangle of sheets and morning light that filtered in between the curtains, but still Sirius was aware of what Remus had said and tried to do what would make his, they didnt sleep together again until the end of seventh year, and stumbled back to their dorm with James and Peter, the four of them slightly drunk, and immensely afraid, but high on the thrill of doing what they thought was right, Sirius and Remus collapsed into bed together and slept deeply, aware that they may not get any more chances to just, after graduation they had even fewer chances, they were constantly on missions for The Order, on opposite patrol schedules, on different missions, always apart, so the fifth time they slept together wasnt until they were on the brief break they had for James and Lilys wedding, they fell into bed that night, full of happiness and light.

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