pluvial lakes formed as a result ofworkspace one assist pricing

Lake Eyre in South Australia is one. A soil horizon that is 20 to 30 percent or more organic matter is labeled. How are pluvial lakes formed? trellis The suspended load of a stream consists of particles that are A number of drumlins can form together in a field, and their unique shape makes them look almost like the backs of whales breaching the surface of the ocean. During the Pliocene to middle Pleistocene, pluvial lakes in the western Great Basin repeatedly rose to levels much higher than those of the well-documented late Pleistocene pluvial lakes, and some presently isolated basins were connected. The unsorted materials moved and deposited by a glacier is known as till. After the ice age, the pluvial lakes began to shrink, but we still see some remaining today, such as the Great Salt Lake in Utah. ; Pluvial lakes that have since evaporated and dried out may also be referred to as paleolakes. ( pluvl) adj of, characterized by, or due to the action of rain; rainy: pluvial insurance. Lake Lahontan in Nevada, USA, is an example of a pluvial lake. USA, is an example of a pluvial lake. Such lakes are usually endorheic, meaning they are a closed drainage basin that retains precipitation and its runoff but it does not have a drainage outlet. Literature. a. Amanda Briney, M.A., is a professional geographer. Which of the following cannot be considered an efflux of material from the ocean water? Pluvial Lake. Pluvial lakes formed in the __________ as a result of __________. southwestern U.S.; a wetter climate and/or a climate characterized by lower evaporation rates. As a result, pluvial lakes covered much of Oregon s mountain sheep. 100m (330ft) lower than they are today a. 21.Over 25% of the measured sea level rise has been attributed to alpine glacier wastage a. Rivers and streams supplied and drained most lakes' water. Their existence today, or lack thereof, indicates a huge shift in the climate conditions of the specific areas. A specific landform produced by the deposition of glacial till is known as. 8.9, 8.10, and 8.11).Unfortunately, high-resolution records of this period inside the Basin of Mexico are nonexistent, which . This coincides with a period of time when large pluvial lakes filled the valleys of central Oregon and much of the Great Basin of the western United States. A pluvial, or surface water flood, is caused when heavy rainfall creates a flood event independent of an overflowing water body. The Pleistocene is commonly known as the Ice Age and constitutes the geological epoch which protacted from nearly 2,588,000 to 11,700 years ago, spanning the world's most recent period of repeated glaciations. For example, as the Holocene epoch began after the last glaciation temperatures around the world rose. Pluvial lakes Pre-glacial This problem has been solved! Accumulated sediments show the variation in water level. The carving and shaping of the land beneath a moving glacier is a process referred to as glacial erosion. As a result, pluvial lakes covered much of Oregon s mountain sheep. This resulted in a drop in sea level during the ice ages and the uncovering of large land bridges, such as the bridge that connects Alaska and Siberia. An error occurred trying to load this video. It receives water from rain, melting snow and ice, and underground water. In geography though, the presence of an ancient pluvial lake or its remnants represents a period when the world's climate was much different from present-day conditions. southwestern U.S.; a wetter climate and/or a climate characterized by lower evaporation rates, Knowledge of Earth's interior is derived primarily from, indirect evidence involving the analysis of seismic waves, The most active tectonic regions of North and South America are on the, The _______ is one of Earth's major layers that is partially molten and is capable of flowing very slowly, The eventual catastrophic eruption of Mount Saint Helens in 1980 was. They want the monument to last for a long time. WikiMatrix Pluvial lakesrepresent changes in the hydrological cycle: wet cycles generate large lakes, and dry cycles cause the lakes to recede. (2021, December 6). Pluvial Lakes. In terms of areal extent, which of the following sequences is in order from most to least area covered? Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. . I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. Have an outlet, away from incoming ocean waves. 1.1 Millennial and Centennial Climatic Changes. 1. Have an outlet, away from incoming ocean waves. The basic soil unit used in preparing soils maps; i.e., in identifying a series of soils in an area, is the. {{courseNav.course.mDynamicIntFields.lessonCount}} lessons -suspended load. The Post Pattern is a local manifestation of the Western Pluvial Lakes Tradition. Such floods occur when the ground cannot absorb rainwater effectively or urban drainage systems are overwhelmed by excessive water flow. A lake formed to the south of a continental glacier as a result of enhanced rainfall during an ice age, Bonneville area in drainage basin, Soap Lake WA. Lake Bonneville (map of former Lake Bonneville) once covered nearly all of Utah as well as portions of Idaho and Nevada. Radiocarbon dating of the youngest mud beds yield dates from 24,000 to 12,000 years ago. Briney, Amanda. So pluvial lakes formed due to very heavy rainfall, but there's a catch - pluvial lakes formed in desert areas. Plowing the land could alter the structure of a soil, but not the texture. -soil moisture. ; The Summer Lake, Lake Abert, and the . Because the upper regions of a glacier flow __________ than the base of the glacier, the upper part of the glacier tends to be __________. That humid climate was present during the last glacial period in North America and caused more precipitation than evaporation. . This process occurs as the melting glaciers drop all of the rocks and sediments they previously picked up. They ask you for advice on choosing long-lasting stone for the monument. Fresh Lake. {{courseNav.course.mDynamicIntFields.lessonCount}}, Psychological Research & Experimental Design, All Teacher Certification Test Prep Courses, What Are Glaciers? When the environment emerges from the freezing ice age temperatures, we see another direct effect, or glaciers known as glacial deposition, which is the settling of sediments left behind by a moving glacier. (Geological Science) geology of or relating to rainfall or precipitation 2. Just as pluvial lakes are created by climate fluctuations, they are also destroyed by them over time. A pluvial lake is a body of water that accumulated in a basin because of a greater moisture availability resulting from changes in temperature and/or precipitation. Factors that Influence Groundwater Movement, Major Triggers for Mass Wasting: Water, Slopes, Vegetation Removal & Earthquakes, Climate Change Spatial vs Temporal Scales | Overview, Differences & Examples, Active & Passive Continental Margins | Overview, Types & Examples, Factors that Influence Earth's Temperature. During the dry season portions of the Eyre Basin are dry playas but when the rainy season begins the nearby rivers flow to the basin, increasing the lakes size and depth. These lakes are formed in depressions or holes created on the surface of the land by glacial erosion. Glacial Deposits Overview & Impact | How Can Glaciers Cause Deposition? As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 84,000 Assume it becomes saturated at 1000 m (3300 ft) altitude, and continues to rise to 2000 m (6600 ft) altitude. Pluvial lakes are formed It's almost as if the ice age glaciers were the original litter bugs of the environment, because they spread debris over vast areas. A lake formed to the south of a continental glacier as a result of enhanced rainfall during an ice age, Bonneville area in drainage basin, Soap Lake WA. An ice age is a prolonged period of cold with glaciers blanketing much of the earth. When Lake Bonneville was at its maximum water level, it was 1,000 feet (300m) higher than the Great Salt Lake. flashcard sets, {{courseNav.course.topics.length}} chapters | Which of the following soil layers would usually contain the greatest amount of clay in a well-developed soil? -bed load. The presence of meltwater at the bottom of a glacier can increase its rate of movement. materials from which soils can develop that have properties different than those of their source materials. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. M.A., Geography, California State University - East Bay, B.A., English and Geography, California State University - Sacramento. Allison, Ira S., (Ira Shimmin), 1895-1990 Summary Pluvial Lake Chewaucan was a late Pleistocene lake, as much as 375 feet deep, covering 480 square miles in the northwestern part of the Great Basin in southern Oregon. Today, the only remaining lakes are Pyramid Lake and Walker Lake, both of which are located in Nevada. - Definition, Types & Characteristics, Lichen: Environmental Importance, Symbiosis & Facts, What is Glutamine? How lakes are formed, Facts about la kes in the world Firn has a higher density than glacial ice. When till accumulates, it can result in moraines, which are lines of till that form at the edges of past glaciers or drumlins, which are elongated hills composed of glacial till. Which of the following is true of the snowline? That's why it is also called "pluvial flood". During the pleistocene, pluvial lakes formed in the western United States as a result of extended periods of wet conditions. At its peak about 12,700 years ago, it covered approximately 8,500 square miles (22,000 square kilometers). large pluvial lake basins and associated playas oriented normal to ancient prevailing winds developed by end-current erosion during wet periods, but the small post-wisconsin lake basins which now pockmark the plains, as well as the present playas of the larger pluvial basins, developed by wind deflation mainly during the arid altithermal period b. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Most of these lakes formed in arid locations where there was initially not enough rain and mountain snow to establish a drainage system with rivers and lakes. Ice ages have occurred at several times during Earth's history. She holds a Certificate of Advanced Study in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) from California State University. Pluvial lakes are considered to have been formed in the last glacial period. As altitude increases, how does air pressure change? Late Pleistocene lake areas are shown for all pluvial lakes within the map area that extend into Nevada or are part of the Lahontan drainage basin. c. index contour. The carving and shaping of the land beneath a moving glacier is a process referred to as glacial erosion. These intervals of greater moisture availability are not always contemporaneous with glacial periods. The unsorted materials moved and deposited by a glacier is known as till. ________ form when meltwater is trapped behind an ice dam during glacier or ice sheet retreat. If a glacier does not have debris embedded in its base, it is not a very effective agent of abrasion. Glaciers are huge moving mountains of ice that can directly affect the landscape in many ways. southwestern U.S.; a wetter climate and/or a climate characterized by lower evaporation rates, About 2 percent of the oceanic mass comprises the. Asked By : Wallace Wenger. Particles of sand, gravels, and shells that move along the shore form the, The type of glacier that dominates Greenland and Antarctica is the. . a. black hole b. black dwarf c. red giant d. white dwarf. What is the meaning of pluvial? 's' : ''}}. These intervals of greater moisture availability are not always contemporaneous with glacial periods. (accessed November 4, 2022). What is altitude? [3], When warm air from arid regions meets chilled air from glaciers, cloudy, cool, rainy weather is created beyond the terminus of the glacier. A community group wants to build a monument in a city park. The name itself is taken from the Latin language to indicate the connection with the rain and moisture. ThoughtCo, Dec. 6, 2021, False a. I feel like its a lifeline. ; At that time, pluvial lakes filled many of the high desert basins. Pluvial lakes (Latin pluves - rain) Lakes formed in closed basins as a result of climates which also encouraged glaciation globally colder and locally wetter. A valley glacier that extends beyond the confines of its valley and coalesces with other valley glaciers along the base of a mountain range is termed. d. prime meridian. Consider the equation Q = wdv. Pluvial lakes are typically closed lakes that occupied endorheic basins. They contain medial moraines. The name itself is taken from the Latin language to indicate the connection with the rain and moisture. We shouldn't forget that glaciers are frozen water. The city, which was previously in a drought, is now more pluvial thanks to the constant rainfall. -saltation. An ice age is a prolonged period of time where cold weather and large glaciers cover most of the earth, and when these glaciers melt they can cause major changes to the environment. Pluvial lakes also were common in other dry regions of the world, particularly in the . Dr. Gillaspy has taught health science at University of Phoenix and Ashford University and has a degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic. This is the sinking of the earth's crust due to pressure from a heavy weight. About how old lakes are formed, one can judge by the long-term functionality of the river. Lake Lahontan (map of former Lake Lahontan) is a pluvial lake that covered nearly all of northwestern Nevada as well as parts of northeastern California and southern Oregon. 2 of a geologic change : resulting from the action of rain. Pluvial lakes also formed during this time. Pluvial lakes formed in the _____ during glacial intervals as a result of _____. b. equator. The Post Pattern is a local manifestation of the Western Pluvial Lakes Tradition. Unlike fluvial flooding, pluvial flooding can occur almost anywhere, especially in areas with depressions in the to- pography and flow paths on the surface. If the climate is dry - lakes are formed, which in the form of chains stretch for hundreds of kilometers. The study of pluvial lakes today is mostly tied to that of ice ages and glaciation as the ancient lakes have left distinct landform features. Lines of till that form at the edges of past glaciers leave behind landforms known as moraines. Glacial lakes are formed after the melting of glaciers. According to this idea, all present- day species had been created in their present form and had changed little or not at all. - Definition, Types & Processes, The Effect of Accumulation & Wastage on Glacier Formation, Glacial Erosion: Definition, Processes & Features, The Effect of Ice Age Glaciers: Formation of Pluvial Lakes, Microbiology Syllabus Resource & Lesson Plans, Praxis Earth and Space Sciences: Content Knowledge (5571) Prep, SAT Subject Test Physics: Practice and Study Guide, Praxis Family and Consumer Sciences (5122) Prep, High School Chemistry: Homeschool Curriculum, CSET Science Subtest II Life Sciences (217): Practice Test & Study Guide, CSET Foundational-Level General Science (215) Prep, Glencoe Chemistry - Matter And Change: Online Textbook Help, SAT Subject Test Chemistry: Tutoring Solution, What is Lichen? A lacustrine sequence of six separate high stands of Lake Cochise . As a result, the continental ice sheets melted, again causing a shift in world weather patterns and making the newly wet areas once again arid. Glacial erosion is responsible for some of the most stunning rock features in mountainous regions, such as glacial horns, with their sharp, angular peaks, and cirques that have round hollows with steep sides. Sedimentologic, geomorphic, and chronologic evidence at sites shown on the map indicates that Lakes Lahontan and Columbus-Rennie were as much as 70 m higher . Well, if that were the case, then you would be living in an ice age and be able to look forward to nothing but a prolonged period of cold with glaciers blanketing much of the earth. Glaciers carved out basins within bedrock that later filled with water, forming millions of lakes that exist to this day. Which of the following is a depositional landform created by glaciation? Culture Facts & Characteristics | What is Culture in Anthropology? It was a pluvial lake that formed in response to an increase in precipitation and a decrease in evaporation as a result of cooler temperatures. Pluvial lakes that have since evaporated and dried out may also be referred to as paleolakes. In order for a tombolo to form, which of the following processes would have to dominate the local beach environment? We use the term "pluvial lake basin" to mean a basin that has recorded past lake levels higher than present that were usually caused by periods of increased precipitation and (or) decreased evaporation (Reeves, 1968, Smith and Street-Perrott, 1983, Benson and Thompson, 1987). This allowed basins in these previously dry areas to fill with water, giving us the pluvial lakes. Alpine Glacier glacier in a mountain range Continental Glacier / Ice Sheet larger in scale, e.g. what % of earths crust is composed of only 8 natural elements, The 3 most abundant elements in Earth's crust are, An element or combination of elements that forms a solid, inorganic, natural compound is called a, An assemblage of minerals bound together is called a, The majority of Earth's crust is composed of, The ancient roots of mountains are usually composed of, coal is a sedimentary rock and fossil fuel formed from, A scale used to classify and describe the effects of earthquakes on terrain, construction, and local damage conditions is the, An earthquake, submarine landslide, or eruption of an undersea volcano is capable of producing a, The motion of seismic waves is usually initiated in a subsurface location along the fault plane called the, The wave amplitude associated with a magnitude 8 quake on the Richter scale is how many times greater than that of a magnitude 6 quake, On average, how often would you expect an earthquake of between moment magnitude 5.0-5.9 and Mercalli V-VII to occur, Which of the following mountain ranges resulted from tectonic collision between two continental landmasses, Which of the following types of crustal deformation would you be most likely to find at a divergent plate boundary, The asthenosphere can best be described as, Compared to oceanic crust, continental crust is, generally more complex in content and structure, If you wanted to avoid earthquakes, which of the following areas would be the safest to live. If deserts are defined by 'dryness' (low mean annual precipitation), why are fluvial geomorphic processes so important for shaping the landscape? Volcanoes occur around the perimeter of the Atlantic Ocean basin. Like Lake Bonneville, Lake Lahontan's waters gradually began to evaporate resulting in a drop in lake level over time. We also see drumlins, which are elongated hills composed of glacial till. Lake Bonneville is the largest of several pluvial lakes (formed during a period of elevated precipitation) that formed in the Great Basin of the western United States during the Last Glacial Maximum 32,000 to 10,000 ago. Isostatic depression is similar to what happens when you lay down on a mattress and it compresses, or depresses, under your weight. the portion of the hydrosphere and ground that is perennially frozen, generally at high latitudes and elevations Glacier a large mass of perennial ice resting on land or floating shelf-like in the sea near land. Glaciers were responsible for turning many of the typical V-shaped valleys between the mountains into U-shaped valleys with broad and wide valley floors. What is pluvial system? The water in glacial lakes is usually sourced from melting ice left behind by a retreating glacier or rainfall. While at times our results may signifi- change. Another indirect effect of ice age glaciers is a phenomenon referred to as isostatic depression. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. USA, is an example of a pluvial lake. Which element is critical, either its absence or presence, in many processes in the N cycle in agricultural ecosystems? It formed about 32,000 years ago and lasted until approximately 16,800 years ago. A. condensation B. evaporation C. sublimation D. transpiration. southwestern U.S.; a wetter climate and/or a climate characterized by lower evaporation rates Approximately what percentage of the world's population lives near the ocean? The United States' Great Basin area is famous for having the remains of two large pluvial lakes -- Lakes Bonneville and Lahontan. This is dependent though on the seasonal fluctuations of the monsoon and some years the lake can be much larger and deeper than others. A lake formed to the south of a continental glacier as a result of enhanced rainfall during an ice age, Bonneville area in drainage basin, Soap Lake WA. The long-term evolution of the lakes of the Basin of Mexico depended on many factors, among which the combined effects of precipitation and evaporation are the most relevant in the hydrological dynamics of the lakes (Figs. . n 1. (Geological Science) a climate characterized by persistent heavy rainfall, esp one occurring in unglaciated regions during the Pleistocene epoch -dissolved load. Regardless of whether or not a pluvial lake is ancient or still existing today though, they are important components of an areas landscape and will remain so as long as they continue to form and later disappear. All rights reserved. Are the Great lakes pluvial? The removal or rocks and grinding of bedrock create entirely new landscapes. Briney, Amanda. Este clima ms hmedo y ms fro form muchos lagos pluviales (del latn pluvia, que significa lluvia). by a vast proliferation of pluvial lakes in the Great Basin of western North America, notably Lake Bonneville and Lake Lahontan (enormous ancestors of present-day Great Salt Lake and Pyramid Lake).. What is a pluvial lake quizlet? The lake covered much of what is now western Utah and at its highest level extended into present-day Idaho and Nevada. Compared to an underlying silty clay B horizon, how much micropore space would there be as a percentage of total pore space in an overlying silt-loam A horizon. Groundwater System: Definition & Geological Role. - Structure, Uses & Benefits, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community, Define ice age, glacier and glacial erosion, Explain what pluvial lakes and isostatic depression are, Understand how glaciers can affect sea level. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Explain the process that forms a strike-slip fault and leads to an earthquake along the fault. But in the course of the river walk, delta lakes are formed. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. pluvial lake (a paleolake created by a change in water balance in the basin) Etymology: Benjamin Bonneville: Surface area ~20,000 sq mi (51,000 km 2) (at max. Fresh water mollusks have been found in mud deposits from Searles Lake in California and suggest that the water temperature was about 7 degrees Fahrenheit (or 4 degrees Celsius) cooler than current temperatures. A lake is a body of water bordered on all sides by land. ; Pluvial lakes that have since evaporated and dried out may also be referred to as paleolakes. In addition to being referred to as pluvial lakes, ancient lakes associated with former wet periods are sometimes put into the category of paleolakes. . (Geological Science) geology of or relating to rainfall or precipitation 2. How does density change? An Overview of the Last Global Glaciation, An Overview of Valley Formation and Development, The Largest Lakes in the US by Surface Area. 168 lessons In addition to these ancient pluvial lakes, several lakes still exist around the world today and are dependent on an area's precipitation patterns. The Great Salt Lake and the Bonneville Salt Flats are the largest remaining portions of Lake Bonneville today. Several pluvial lakes formed in what is now the southwestern United States during the glaciation of the late Pleistocene. Therefore without a sophisticated drainage system and no incoming water, the lakes began to gradually evaporate in the dry, warm conditions usually found in their locations. Continuous ice sheets, ice caps, and ice fields are drained on their periphery by. depth: over 980 ft (300 m) Lake Bonneville was the largest Late Pleistocene paleolake in the Great Basin of western North America. Write a proposal explaining what factors would affect how long the monument would last. The rest of the lakes remnants consist of dry playas and rock formations where the ancient shoreline was. Over time, as more water became available with the increased moisture, the lakes enlarged and spread across places with lower elevations creating enormous pluvial lakes. Pluvial lakes are formed by exorbitant rainfall that coincided with very low evaporation levels. . But, what if the weatherman said spring wasn't scheduled for another 10 million years? What is ponding or pluvial flooding? Greenland Accumulation Zone Pluvial lakes are formed by exorbitant rainfall that coincided with very low evaporation . These glaciers cause glacial erosion, which is the carving and shaping of the land beneath a moving glacier. In some cases, rising lake levels resulted in aquatic connections between sub-basins within the Great Basin, which may have allowed the transfer of aquatic taxa [ 30 . Briney, Amanda. Moraines form in lines and give a general idea of the boundaries and farthest point that the past glacier reached. Well, it all had to do with the presence of ice-age glaciers. What kind of information does a Roche Moutonne reveal? Which object has such a strong surface gravity that light cannot escape it? False 23.Sea levels 18,000 years ago were approximately a. One of these was Lake Bonneville in western Utah, which covered roughly 19,000 square miles (49,000km2). flashcard set{{course.flashcardSetCoun > 1 ? With more precipitation, stream runoff increased and began to fill the basins in the formerly dry areas. Pluvial flooding refers to flooding events that are caused by extreme rainfall. succeed. [2], Pluvial lakes represent changes in the hydrological cycle: wet cycles generate large lakes, and dry cycles cause the lakes to recede. The internal flow just below the surface is greater than the basal flow. Retrieved from We've updated our Privacy Policy, which will go in to effect on September 1, 2022. ncis fanfiction mcgee vance son x x Which soil-moisture regime is characterized by little or no moisture deficiency throughout the year, especially during the growing season? When glaciers melt, we see another process called glacial deposition, which is the settling of sediments left behind by a moving glacier. It's difficult to see pluvial in a sentence . Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. dissolved load. Pluvial flooding is defined as flooding that results from rainfall-generated overland flow before the water enters a river. . (Entry 1 of 2) 1a : of or relating to rain. A general term for a mass of perennial ice resting on land or floating shelf-like in the sea adjacent to land is, Accumulations of thick organic matter, such as in the beds of former lakes or bogs, are classified as. The most prominent and well studied of these lakes are usually related to the last glacial period as this is when they are thought to have formed. [1], The word comes from the Latin pluvia, which means "rain". The resultant solid occur in the form of needles, layers, and spheres, growing to upwards of 30 feet tall. Near the shore, waves of transition begin to "feel bottom," and as a result, the orbits of the water molecules in the wave become more __________. A pluvial lake is a lake that has had considerable, and generally periodic, fluctuation in volume (lake level) in the past, primarily in response to climatic changes.All known pluvial lakes are believed to be of Quaternary age. White to pale hues in soils are generally associated with. The soil horizon that principally contains illuviation accumulations is designated the __________ horizon. southwestern U.S.; a wetter climate and/or a climate characterized by lower evaporation rates Which drainage pattern is controlled by rock structures of variable resistance and folded strata? A longshore current involves all of the following except, Applications and Investigations In Earth Science, Dennis G. Tasa, Edward J. Tarbuck, Frederick K. Lutgens. At times in between glaciers (interglacial), salt deposits may be present because of the arid climate and the evaporation of lakewater.[3]. lonely planet tuscany pdf artisan pizza topping ideas. They contain medial moraines. What is the most common flood? Pluvial lakes are formed by exorbitant rainfall that coincided with very low evaporation . Which statement is not true about life on Earth. The increase in rainfall fills the drainage basin and forms a lake. And, they were so massive that they tied up much of the world's water resulting in a change in sea level. -porosity. Create your account, 24 chapters | Lakes appear in the river valleys. If you live in an area where winter roars its ugly head and plummets temperatures below zero, then you know the joy that comes with the arrival of spring and warm temperatures. Peds increase the porosity and permeability of a soil, and therefore benefit the soil. Causes of Glaciation: Overview & Theory | What is Glaciation?

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