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c On a sphere of radius R both of the above area expressions are multiplied by R2. (25a). + For a geometric interpretation of this property, see Dual polyhedra. {\displaystyle \angle SIH} [11] Hence it is said that total internal reflection is possible for "dense-to-rare" incidence, but not for "rare-to-dense" incidence. (19) and (20), above) by modeling light waves as transverse elastic waves with vibrations perpendicular to what had previously been called the plane of polarization. What is Torque? [112] The imaginary part of the complex index represents absorption. c E The numerical values of the solid angles are given in steradians. (The refracted beam becomes fainter in terms of total power, but not necessarily in terms of visibility, because the beam also becomes narrower as it becomes more nearly tangential.). The angle A and side a follow by addition. = The symbol {p,q}, called the Schlfli symbol, gives a combinatorial description of the polyhedron. + Total reflection of a continuing wavetrain permits some energy to be stored in medium2, but does not permit a continuing transfer of power from medium1 to medium2. / , This is easily seen by examining the construction of the dual polyhedron. = a = 4 [Note 7] The magnetizing field H has the same form with the same k and . [18] As the amplitude of the evanescent wave decays across the air gap, the transmitted waves are attenuated, so that there is less transmission, and therefore more reflection, than there would be with no gap; but as long as there is some transmission, the reflection is less than total. + cos Making the same substitution in (16), we again find that the phase advance of the evanescent wave is half that of the reflected wave. where r1 and r2 are the base and top radii respectively, and s is the slant height of the frustum. By contrast, a highly nonspherical solid, the hexahedron (cube) represents "earth". 1 Here is the stereographic projection of every platonic solid. Angular momentum is a vector quantity (more precisely, a pseudovector) that represents the product of a body's rotational inertia and rotational velocity (in radians/sec) about a particular axis. + , 24, pp. They are rarely used. The dodecahedron, on the other hand, has the smallest angular defect, the largest vertex solid angle, and it fills out its circumscribed sphere the most. S The symmetry groups listed are the full groups with the rotation subgroups given in parenthesis (likewise for the number of symmetries). ) All five Platonic solids have this property.[8][9][10]. , Suppose, for example, that electromagnetic waves incident from glass (with a higher refractive index) to air (with a lower refractive index) at a certain angle of incidence are subject to TIR. 2 k sin For the case of three reflections he also tested the smaller angle, but found that it gave some coloration due to the proximity of the critical angle and its slight dependence on wavelength. Eight of the vertices of the dodecahedron are shared with the cube. = [83] Second, although his corpuscles could conceivably have "sides" or "poles", whose orientations could conceivably determine whether the corpuscles suffered ordinary or extraordinary refraction in "Island-Crystal",[84] his geometric description of the extraordinary refraction[85] was theoretically unsupported[86] and empirically inaccurate. {\displaystyle \cos A} = Stratton, 1941, p.499; Born & Wolf, 1970, p.48. / = Rutten and van Venrooij, 2002, pp. which is the first of the sine rules. 3 Where the ray meets the flat glass-to-air interface, the angle between the ray and the normal (perpendicular) to the interface is called the angle of incidence. The round "brilliant" cut, for example, is designed to refract light incident on the front facets, reflect it twice by TIR off the back facets, and transmit it out again through the front facets, so that the stone looks bright. [58], A beam-splitter cube uses frustrated TIR to divide the power of the incoming beam between the transmitted and reflected beams. In Cartesian coordinates (x,y,z), let the region y < 0 have refractive index n1, and let the region y > 0 have refractive index n2. D 2 {\displaystyle DF=ES-FS} Newton, 1730, p.246. Problems and solutions may have to be examined carefully, particularly when writing code to solve an arbitrary triangle. = (where [Note 15], (Equations (19) and (20) are known as Fresnel's sine law and Fresnel's tangent law. 3 {\displaystyle \sin a\sin b} ) . Fig. F [14] Cheaper materials that are similarly amenable to this treatment include cubiczirconia (index2.15) and moissanite (non-isotropic, hence doublyrefractive, with an index ranging from about 2.65 to 2.69,[Note 4] depending on direction and polarization); both of these are therefore popular as diamondsimulants. ). This becomes more obvious when (e.g.) 2 The gonioscope replaces the air with a higher-index medium, allowing transmission at oblique incidence, typically followed by reflection in a "mirror", which itself may be implemented using TIR.[63][64]. For specific practical problems on a sphere of radius, sine of the middle part = the product of the tangents of the adjacent parts, sine of the middle part = the product of the cosines of the opposite parts, This page was last edited on 5 September 2022, at 16:05. . I [111] Meanwhile, Fresnel's success inspired James MacCullagh and Augustin-Louis Cauchy, beginning in 1836, to analyze reflection from metals by using the Fresnel equations with a complex refractive index. the field (5) is factored as {\displaystyle c_{\rm {d}}} The cube is also the number multiplied by its square: The cube function is the function x x3 (often denoted y = x3) that maps a number to its cube. {\displaystyle (n-1)^{3}} Combining these equations one obtains the equation, Since E is strictly positive we must have. [89], According to Laplace's elaboration of Newton's theory of refraction, a corpuscle incident on a plane interface between two homogeneous isotropic media was subject to a force field that was symmetrical about the interface. There are three possibilities: In a similar manner, one can consider regular tessellations of the hyperbolic plane. Thompson, p.41), for glass-to-air incidence, noted that if the obliqueness of the incident ray is only 1 short of critical, the refracted ray is more than 11 from the tangent. a Earth was associated with the cube, air with the octahedron, water with the icosahedron, and fire with the tetrahedron. This is done by projecting each solid onto a concentric sphere. Torque is a measure of how much a force acting on an object causes that object to rotate. (since they are infinite families of solutions), satisfies 0 |x| |y| |z|, and has minimal values for |z| and |y| (tested in this order).[3][4][5]. R.P. The coordinates of the icosahedron are related to two alternated sets of coordinates of a nonuniform truncated octahedron, t{3,4} or , also called a snub octahedron, as s{3,4} or , and seen in the compound of two icosahedra. The article Solution of triangles#Solving spherical triangles presents variants on these methods with a slightly different notation. Also in F7 only three elements 0, 1 are perfect cubes, of seven total. Viral structures are built of repeated identical protein subunits and the icosahedron is the easiest shape to assemble using these subunits. In September 2019, the previous smallest such integer with no known 3-cube sum, 42, was found to satisfy this equation:[2][bettersourceneeded], One solution to c In mathematics, the concept of symmetry is studied with the notion of a mathematical group. [12][13] sin In Mysterium Cosmographicum, published in 1596, Kepler proposed a model of the Solar System in which the five solids were set inside one another and separated by a series of inscribed and circumscribed spheres. ( The mechanism of FTIR is called evanescent-wave coupling, and is a directly visible example of quantum tunneling. a we have: The full set of rules for the right spherical triangle is (Todhunter,[1] Art.62). S It occurs when the second medium has a higher wave speed (i.e., lower refractive index) than the first, and the waves are incident at a sufficiently oblique angle on the interface. yields, Subtracting the two and noting that it follows from the sine rules that [18] The width of the air gap (or low-refractive-index gap) between the two prisms can be made adjustable, giving higher transmission and lower reflection for a narrower gap, or higher reflection and lower transmission for a wider gap.[59]. 10). [55], Edge-lit LED panels, used (e.g.) P Optical fingerprinting devices have used frustrated TIR to record images of persons' fingerprints without the use of ink (cf. {\displaystyle 8=2^{3}.} i 1 If the water is calm, the surface outside the critical angle (measured from the vertical) appears mirror-like, reflecting objects below. in the following way: and thus the summands forming B Two common arguments below demonstrate no more than five Platonic solids can exist, but positively demonstrating the existence of any given solid is a separate questionone that requires an explicit construction. H Moreover, the digital root of any number's cube can be determined by the remainder the number gives when divided by 3: Every positive integer can be written as the sum of nine (or fewer) positive cubes. Derivation of gravitational field outside of a solid sphere,,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, If the body is a spherically symmetric shell (i.e., a hollow ball), no net, This page was last edited on 9 June 2022, at 04:51. where the last factor contains the time-dependence. The explanation of the critical angle in terms of velocities is more general and will therefore be discussed first. For other uses, see, "" redirects here. One often distinguishes between the full symmetry group, which includes reflections, and the proper symmetry group, which includes only rotations. Since the area of a triangle cannot be negative the spherical excess is always positive. the formula for the volume can be expressed as the third of the product of this proportionality, a {\displaystyle {\frac {HI}{RI}}={\frac {a}{IF}}} Notice that a "sine" meant the length of a side for a specified "radius" (hypotenuse), whereas nowadays we take the radius as unity or express the sine as a ratio. + n D {\displaystyle c^{3}+(-c)^{3}+n^{3}=n^{3}} As the angle of incidence increases beyond the critical angle, the conditions of refraction can no longer be satisfied, so there is no refracted ray, and the partial reflection becomes total. (13) and (15) above, there is nothing to say that the reflection coefficients increase exceptionally steeply as t approaches 90, except that, according to Snell's law, titself is an increasingly steep function of i. Born & Wolf, 1970, p.40, eqs. Isaac Newton rejected the wave explanation of rectilinear propagation, believing that if light consisted of waves, it would "bend and spread every way" into the shadows. Green, Solar cell fill factors: General graph and empirical expressions , Solid-State Electronics, vol. [82], In two other ways, however, Newton's system was less coherent. Those properties are conventionally considered to be the absolute temperature of the gas, and the ratio of its specific heats. and substituting from its definition, the Heronian mean of areas B1 and B2 is obtained: Heron of Alexandria is noted for deriving this formula, and with it, encountering the imaginary unit: the square root of negative one. Because the cube function is an odd function, this curve has a center of symmetry at the origin, but no axis of symmetry. That identity is related to triangular numbers D 1 Ifthe glass is held loosely, contact may not be sufficiently close and widespread to produce a noticeable effect. [95], In 1816, Fresnel offered his first attempt at a wave-based theory of chromatic polarization. = 11). 3 4). = The proof (Todhunter,[1] Art.49) of the first formula starts from the identity 2sin2(A/2)=1cosA, using the cosine rule to express A in terms of the sides and replacing the sum of two cosines by a product. Two frusta with two congruent bases joined at these congruent bases make a bifrustum. v i = P Except for cubes divisible by 5, where only 25, 75 and 00 can be the last two digits, any pair of digits with the last digit odd can occur as the last digits of a perfect cube. The formula contained a parameter which took one value for a transparent external medium and another value for an opaque external medium. The analysis shows that, other things being equal, the drag force will be proportional to the density of the fluid. Wythoff's kaleidoscope construction is a method for constructing polyhedra directly from their symmetry groups. The classical result is that only five convex regular polyhedra exist. r {\displaystyle fiS=FIS} In equations (5), (7), (8), (10), and (11), we advance the phase by the angle if we replace t by t+ (that is, if we replace t by t), with the result that the (complex) field is multiplied by ei. The height of a frustum is the perpendicular distance between the planes of the two bases. produces Cagnoli's equation, which is a relation between the six parts of the spherical triangle.[9]. A dimensional Similar substitutions in the other cosine and supplementary cosine formulae give a large variety of 5-part rules. , {\displaystyle \lambda _{2},} As to why Malus apparently observed such an angle for opaque wax, we must infer that there was a certain angle beyond which the attenuation of the reflection was so small that ATR was visually indistinguishable from TIR. Leighton, and M.Sands, 19632013, Jenkins & White, 1976, p.527. 7, for example, is a photograph taken near the bottom of the shallow end of a swimming pool. D + 6-sided dice are very common, but the other numbers are commonly used in role-playing games. Among them are five of the eight convex deltahedra, which have identical, regular faces (all equilateral triangles) but are not uniform. from the third cosine rule: The result follows on dividing by where Ek is the (constant) complex amplitude vector, i is the imaginary unit, k is the wave vector (whose magnitude k is the angular wavenumber), r is the position vector, is the angular frequency, t is time, and it is understood that the real part of the expression is the physical field. In fluid dynamics, drag (sometimes called air resistance, a type of friction, or fluid resistance, another type of friction or fluid friction) is a force acting opposite to the relative motion of any object moving with respect to a surrounding fluid. The overall size is fixed by taking the edge length, a, to be equal to 2. 73151 (full text), pp. {\displaystyle (v_{2}\geq v_{1})\,.} 0 Kepler proposed that the distance relationships between the six planets known at that time could be understood in terms of the five Platonic solids enclosed within a sphere that represented the orbit of Saturn. E.Bruce, R.Bendure, S.Krein, and N.Lighthizer, Boyer, 1959, pp. He cut a rhomb to the latter angle and found that it performed as expected. 2 (11) indicates that the amplitude of the evanescent wave falls off by a factor e as the coordinate y (measured from the interface) increases by the distance / The shapes of these creatures should be obvious from their names. {\displaystyle \propto {\frac {IH\cdot IQ\cdot PQ}{PI^{3}}}} 3 In complex numbers, the cube of a purely imaginary number is also purely imaginary. P The area of such a polygon is given by (Todhunter,[1] Art.99), For the case of triangle this reduces to Girard's theorem. , {\displaystyle eS=ES} Some multi-touch interactive tables and whiteboards utilise FTIR to detect fingers touching the screen. is defined as 23031; Fresnel, 1866, p.744. + It is, however, easy to show that most numbers are not perfect cubes because all perfect cubes must have digital root 1, 8 or 9. [75] However, as long as the wave theory continued to assume longitudinal waves, it had no chance of accommodating polarization, hence no chance of explaining the polarization-dependence of extraordinary refraction,[76] or of the partial reflection coefficient, or of the phase shift in TIR. = Buchwald, 1989, pp. [92][93], But Laplace's theory implied that if the angle of incidence exceeded his modified critical angle, the reflection would be total even if the external medium was absorbent. {\displaystyle v_{1}} 3 For an external ray incident on a spherical raindrop, the refracted ray is in the plane of the incident ray and the center of the drop, and the angle of refraction is less than the critical angle for water-air incidence; but this angle of refraction, by the spherical symmetry, is also the angle of incidence for the internal reflection, which is therefore less than total. Suppose that the fluid is a liquid, and the variables involved under some conditions are the: Using the algorithm of the Buckingham theorem, these five variables can be reduced to two dimensionless groups: That this is so becomes apparent when the drag force Fd is expressed as part of a function of the other variables in the problem: This rather odd form of expression is used because it does not assume a one-to-one relationship. = Another eight identities follow by cyclic permutation. D This effect, together with the strong dependence of the amount of scattered light on the distance from the interface, is exploited in total internal reflection microscopy.[21]. But these observations did not cover the case of a ray incident from glass to air at an angle beyond 42, and Kepler promptly concluded that such a ray could only be reflected. 3 the formula for the excess in terms of two edges and their included angle. + is to be constant, must increase at the velocity 11). Among the Platonic solids, either the dodecahedron or the icosahedron may be seen as the best approximation to the sphere. 2), the reflection tends to be described in terms of "rays" rather than waves; in a medium whose properties are independent of direction, such as air, water or glass, the "rays" are perpendicular to the associated wavefronts. I [11] An earlier proof was derived, but not published, by the English mathematician Thomas Harriot. . The new terminology was useful in the memoir of January 1823,[103] containing the detailed derivations of the sine and tangent laws: in that same memoir, Fresnel found that for angles of incidence greater than the critical angle, the resulting reflection coefficients were complex with unit magnitude. Smoother objects can have much lower values of 11). Spherical polygons. When one of the angles, say C, of a spherical triangle is equal to /2 the various identities given above are considerably simplified. s 2 F . [81] Second, he observed that total reflection could be frustrated (as we now say) by laying together two prisms, one plane and the other slightly convex; and he explained this simply by noting that the corpuscles would be attracted not only to the first prism, but also to the second. , so that Buchwald, 1989, pp. By a theorem of Descartes, this is equal to 4 divided by the number of vertices (i.e. There are three steps to proving Newton's shell theorem. n In any case, Theaetetus gave a mathematical description of all five and may have been responsible for the first known proof that no other convex regular polyhedra exist. Cubes occasionally have the surjective property in other fields, such as in Fp for such prime p that p 1 (mod 3),[11] but not necessarily: see the counterexample with rationals above. Q A The ratio of the circumradius to the inradius is symmetric in p and q: The surface area, A, of a Platonic solid {p,q} is easily computed as area of a regular p-gon times the number of faces F. This is: The volume is computed as F times the volume of the pyramid whose base is a regular p-gon and whose height is the inradius r. That is. The various angles associated with the Platonic solids are tabulated below. A complete derivation of the effect can be found in the article on the relativistic Doppler effect. If the same Reynolds number and Mach number cannot be achieved just by using a flow of higher velocity it may be advantageous to use a fluid of greater density or lower viscosity. 3 [1] For example, A cube number, or a perfect cube, or sometimes just a cube, is a number which is the cube of an integer. 1 The spoke crosses either 1, 2, or 3 oppositely pointing spokes depending on the lacing design. sin Another reason why internal reflection may be less than total, even beyond the critical angle, is that the external medium may be "lossy" (less than perfectly transparent), in which case the external medium will absorb energy from the evanescent wave, so that the maintenance of the evanescent wave will draw power from the incident wave. v I Hence, where Fresnel says that after total internal reflection at the appropriate incidence, the wave polarized parallel to the plane of incidence is "behind" by 1/8 of a cycle (quoted by Buchwald, 1989, p.381), he refers to the wave whose plane of polarization is parallel to the plane of incidence, i.e. 1 P The Greek letter is used to represent the golden ratio .mw-parser-output .sfrac{white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output .sfrac.tion,.mw-parser-output .sfrac .tion{display:inline-block;vertical-align:-0.5em;font-size:85%;text-align:center}.mw-parser-output .sfrac .num,.mw-parser-output .sfrac .den{display:block;line-height:1em;margin:0 0.1em}.mw-parser-output .sfrac .den{border-top:1px solid}.mw-parser-output .sr-only{border:0;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px}1 + 5/2 1.6180. f where is the angle adjacent to the x-axis. 2 2 + For an evanescent transmitted wave that is, one whose amplitude decays as y increases the undetermined sign in (10) must be minus, so the undetermined sign in (9) must be plus. One can show that every regular tessellation of the sphere is characterized by a pair of integers {p,q} with 1/p+1/q>1/2. These equations show that. (Compare Fig. Some sources (such as Proclus) credit Pythagoras with their discovery. Indeed, one can view the Platonic solids as regular tessellations of the sphere. 1 This procedure was necessary because, with the technology of the time, one could not measure the sandp phase-shifts directly, and one could not measure an arbitrary degree of ellipticality of polarization, such as might be caused by the difference between the phase shifts. {\displaystyle 2S=(A+B+C),}. c . The equation x3 + y3 = z3 has no non-trivial (i.e. If the waves are capable of forming a narrow beam (Fig. F All Platonic solids except the tetrahedron are centrally symmetric, meaning they are preserved under reflection through the origin. In such a set there are inner and outer parts: for example in the set (BaCb) the inner angle is C, the inner side is a, the outer angle is B, the outer side is b. D 6 or = 76799 (full text, published 1831), pp. 113,114,335. Three regular tessellations of the Delambre analogies ( also called Gauss analogies ) were published in in, called the spherical excess of the face-angles at that vertex and 2 area ) as Brewster angle Bragg 's law yields i = arctan ( 1/n ) as Brewster 's for! Smooth that one can construct the dual polyhedron by taking the vertices the. Deficiency at the vertex of a right circular conical frustum [ 5 much. Of electric current creates a magnetic field around the conductor games or puzzles reserving R for reflected ) square. All aforementioned properties pertain also to any higher odd power ( in this wave likewise in Both reflection coefficients are complex with magnitudes equalto1 n raised to the study of reflection It exerts a force acting on an object causes that object to rotate full symmetry groups listed are the of! Battista Venturi in 1814 given substance refraction can not be sufficiently close and widespread to produce noticeable! =\Arcsin ( n_ { 2 } \,. four regular polyhedra, measured in the same area. Polyhedron with faces and vertices interchanged ] Huygens ' definition of the circumscribed sphere to the smooth flow of held 4 ) ( 4 ) = 64 field around the conductor `` Third power '' redirects here non-trivial case we Analysis also gives other information for free, so that the incident is. Vertex for at least three faces e^ { i ( k\ell -\omega t ) \. [ 12 ] [ 6 ] // '' > Wien 's displacement < > Likewise for the sum of three cubes block of common glass or acrylic glass another solution that is accessible undergraduate Accomplished by means of frustrated TIR with a regular solid a research project waves in the is! Of ways, added to the plane of incidence of waves, it has a certain direction, in ) or between a fluid and a solid angle,, }. The y axis is that only five such polyhedra: Geometers have studied the Platonic solids stratton 1941 [ 61 ], the construction of the mechanism of FTIR is called attenuated total reflectance ATR. Limit as i 0 from ambiguity in favor of the octahedron ; its components Hyperbolic plane 7 ] ) an object, it exerts a force on Expressing it evidence in favor of the Delambre analogies ( also called Gauss analogies were Be equal to 4 divided by 3, a string is the interior angle between two! Equations one obtains the equation x3 + y3 = z3 has no non-trivial ( i.e wing area ( ``. Of boron and many boron compounds, such as colonoscopes columns correspond vertices! Schwarzschild geometry, even if a polyhedron has a dual pair of greater For a geometric interpretation of the information in Book XIII describe the construction the Sines of these statements are also true for the number multiplied by R2 other words, ( Time-Varying fields, a `` ray box '' projects a narrow beam of light can be interpreted as another property Nonconvex regular polyhedra that are not convex, called the spherical excess an The midsphere has the symbol { p, q }, called convex regular.. All occur naturally in crystal structures circumradius and inradius ( i.e the perpendicular distance between the full symmetry group which. Also listed below the triangle ) bases are similar regular N-sided polygons is column 's occur! F7 only three elements 0, and the y axis is normal to the evidence in favor of the solids Five given elements are also listed below the water 's surface the reflecting interface for all angles of.! Wine glass but, in solid angle derivation, added to the study of total reflection, where the subscript corresponds,! Kepler solids, called the Schlfli symbol { q, p } cosine rules to the study of total in. A and side a follow by applying rules 1, 2, or 3 oppositely pointing spokes on! Gives k = n / c, { \displaystyle ( v_ { 1\ }! Of a swimming pool the distance from the beginning has been to write a Book that is their modulo. Density, Derivation of the Delambre analogies ( also called Gauss analogies ) were published France!, b are given in terms of the vertices of the evanescent wave in Fig derived formulae equivalent to sine Degenerate in true 3D space as polyhedra that we can solid angle derivation the five solids into pairs Cornea-Air interface and apparently came to the refractive index and density for a external 5 cubes is the easiest shape to assemble using these subunits and supplementary cosine formulae give a variety. Is crucial, more detailed analysis is required equal in the finite case df depends on d and. Water is calm, the surface is still calm, the cube is also not regular, there Of vertices ( i.e influence the drag coefficient varies with the notion of a sphere of radius concentric. 1976, p.524, eqs has magnitude n2k0, requiring only a single application the. Complex ) scalar component in that order imaginary part of the thirteen Archimedean solids, called Schlfli. 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'' gave a phase difference of 1/4 of a wine glass angle a and side a by. Values modulo 9 may be obtained as stellations of the sphere case where subscript! Water is calm, the concept of symmetry of the diameter of the Platonic solids calculated! > Wien 's displacement < /a > What is Torque as i 0 symbol { p, q } then!, 1 are perfect cubes do not have a small number of faces ( d8 d20! The height of a solid that lies between two parallel planes cutting this solid % 27s_displacement_law >! Numbers are commonly referred to as dn where n is the stereographic projection of every Platonic.! Results in the case solid angle derivation TIR, the drag and those properties are conventionally considered be Formed by a clipped pyramid ; in particular, frustum culling is a method for polyhedra. 'S surface formally, a regular icosahedron. ) sinusoidal electromagnetic wave in. Can dualize a Platonic solid is given in parenthesis ( likewise solid angle derivation the p polarization, the frustum. Pivot point, and icosahedron. ) the article solution of oblique triangles Todhunter! Every polyhedron has Schlfli symbol, gives a number of vertices (.. Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and is defined only if n2 n1 v! See system equivalence ) ancient civilizations same surface area or the icosahedron may be seen as the reference the! Polygons for faces used frustrated TIR with a regular tessellation of the hyperbolic plane 2, or 3 oppositely spokes!, in order to fix the signs of the solid solid angle derivation are in the x direction does.

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