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Choose your favorite ANIMATED LOGO for our Discord server icon, They are about the same strength as Alduin, such that they can only be banished and cannot truly be killed. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. M'aiq is strongest daedric lord there is. His power was so vast that the other Daedra conspired against him,. 17 Jyggalag. You must log in or register to reply here. Nocturnal 9. :). It can also be noticed that Mephala actually has more interest in Mortals, than displaying their own power. The Daedric Prince of Knowledge and Fate may have power at his disposal, but you need to realize that his knowledge has a limit. Ask me ANYTHING. Hermaeus Mora is the Daedric Prince of knowledge and memory. Sheogorath can be considered the strongest Daedric Prince in The Elder Scrolls due to his insanity. Now, seeing an earlier topic about who gets dibs on a soul, I'd assume that it really depends on the choices made by the Dragonborn. Given the nature of Sanguine Vampiris and Sanies Lupinus, there is potential that Peryite gave cause for less pure versions of Molag Bal and Hircine's creations, as they became a spreadable disease. However - I have no evidence of such, and influence from Sithis may not count towards the Daedric Princes power in this forum. The 10 Strongest Daedric Weapons In Skyrim, Ranked 1 Skull Of Corruption. This topic has always been interesting, and I certainly hope I'm not shunned for continuing this thread. Otherwise I would have to agree that it would be Mehrunes Dagon, Mehphala, and Molag Bal. His power was so vast that the other Daedra conspired against him, cursing him with his alter ego Sheogorath. This form of possession only seemed valid with dead bodies, but it was nevertheless a sudden influence that definitely made the average first player jump in their boots. Meridia is likely to be unrelenting against something like Molag Bal, as previously mentioned, due to her hatred of the Undead. Hermaeus Mora. Peryite's role. Also, they cannot be slain like normal beings. The most prestigious title Nocturnal goes by is the title of Ur-dra, which implies that she is the "eldest and most powerful of the Daedric Princes", and is a title which the Imperial Geographical Society claims nearly all the Royalty of Oblivion recognize. But I know Dark Seducers are in service to many different Daedric Princes. If not, then Hircine takes the pickings. The others had to team up to strip him of his power because he was getting too powerful. Whether it be a dreadful secret that can bend the knee of those scared of blackmail, or whether it be the secret to a blade that can destroy any foe. Malacath has the entire Orcrace based around him, and is even recognized by Dark Elves. Which daedric princes are the strongest and weakest? It could also be based off the severity of the binding. Namira 14., Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. Although, I'd posit that Daedra, who sprang from Padhome, are all strongly aligned with the Void, and of all Daedra, Lady Nocturnal most perfectly expresses the darkness of the Void. I left out the obviously weaker ones because of poll limitations. He's so bad that he even served as the main villain in Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and nearly . "PS3 seriously does everything. My mama has been Little nuances like this to find are why I love this game. There was a time in the Elder Scrolls timeline where Jyggalag was unquestionably the strongest Daedric Prince in the franchise. Peryite's Manages Significant Aspects Of Daedric And Mortal Life Although Peryite doesn't seem like the strongest Daedric Prince, his impact on the inhabitants of Nirn is huge. M'aiq the daedric prince of lies and kittens. I'd imagine that the concept of the Mace is normally that the Soul Trap effect is supposed to send Souls to Molag Bals realm, Cold Harbour, but I've not checked up on this sort of thing. 7/28/2017 I think Magnus is te most powerful, because: 1. I'd have rather Sheogorath just been Sheogorath, and that's that. Jyggalag. See this r/TESlore post: Inside of their own realms, Daedra are omnipotent. I personally dislike the whole process of that. Their "power" isn't really quantifiable. It revived itself from the dead. This can be seen plenty, and I definitely think that the better question would be about what Princes actually have validity in Nirn. Also, if you have met enough crazy people, you'll know that they can be pretty damn scary. 9/10 Avoid - Peryite Peryite is certainly a unique Daedra, given that he often takes the form of a dragon when summoned to Nirn, not too much unlike Akatosh. Peryite 7. Daedra don't really operate off a conventional power scale. Jyggalag might be powerful, but he doesn't really do anything other than being powerful. There was a time in the Elder Scrolls timeline where Jyggalag was unquestionably the strongest Daedric Prince in the franchise. This can be applied to the OTHER Daedric Princes. Mehrunes Dagon 4. Peryite has the responsibility of order among the lesser Daedra, but this could be an advantage one wouldn't firstly think about. Next up is Azura. Which one is the strongest in your opinion? The 16 Accords of Madness is a gift to the Elder Scrolls Lore in my honest opinion. After the Oblivion Crisis, the daedra have a much harder time gaining access and influence in Nirn. It isn't exactly powerful when compared to a Daedric Prince. I've not double checked this, but I'm correct to think that other Daedra took advantage of the situation too? ~Mairuzu, The Necklace of Poison Resistance 50% is always there. Pre-cursed Jyggalag would be the strongest by far. If not him then Nocturnal. He is described as the strongest of the Aedra, the champion of the High Elven pantheon, and in some places more popular than Auri-El. In terms of brute strength Molag Bal is considered the strongest Daedric Prince; Hermaeus Mora is likely the most intelligent; Sheogorath is the most chaotic/unpredictable and a genius in his madness; Jyggalag is by far the most organized and efficient; Boethiah is a plotter like his title suggests, some sort of Jack of all Trades; ESPECIALLY, since it is full of delicious content and reasoning. He is the leader of Magna Ge which means he is the most POWERFUL between them 5. How to make the guards to stop attacking me? A Dragon isn't exactly a threat to a Daedric Prince, though. A side thought that I had, though without evidence admittingly, is that he could have potentially influenced both Hircine and Molag Bal. Azura 3. We are talking about a realm stuffed full of all the dead Lycanthropes. Sure, mortals claim Peryite may be the weakest, but that's only cause they never see him exercise his power because he's busy in Oblivion. arcgis pro change coordinate system of feature class chevy traverse rear ac blowing hot air. He is the architect of Mundus 3. While some of the other Daedra may seem scarier (Molag Bal, Mehrunes Dagon, Hircine, etc. It may have been Sheogorath's idea on how to undo the curse. This could boast that he was able to interupt their own power, but it could also just be that they didn't care enough to stop him. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. If knowledge is power, then Hermaeus Mora. Vaermina 8. He is now free of that curse, but he is still regaining his strength, so it is unlikely that he is still the strongest. He has to rebuild and. The Princes don't have feats we can compare to determine strength. Mehrunes Dagon is feared for his actions during the Oblivion Crisis, and Nocturnal decides whether a Thief is able to pickpocket someone or not in a specific moment. The reason is because it was never confirmed that he lost any power when he became a Daedra and Trinimac was more powerful then any Aedra/Daedra. It's like Jesus with Blu-Ray." By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. After a ritual that the Dragonborn partakes in, by killing a follower, Boethiah begins jumping from body to body to conversate with the Dragonborn. The other Daedra respect Nocturnal's word to allow Reman's Imperials to travel through Oblivion, because she is the Ur'da. We really don't know who would be considered the most powerful nowadays, but my money would be on Sheogorath, Nocturnal, or Hermaeus Mora. M'iaq is actually the Daedric Prince of lying but he made annoyed the rest of the princes thus was forced into a mortal body and is plotting to get enough claipers in order to undo the curse. powers and abilities: superhuman physical characteristics, magic, reality warping, immortality, (types 4 and 9), matter manipulation, teleportation, regeneration (low-godly), soul manipulation, dimensional manipulation, weather manipulation, elemental manipulation, can summon his daedra servants, telepathy, telekinesis, invisibility, probability Hircine maybe? I can't help but notice every time the game reuses this Not sure why, but this is one of my favorite animations. Jyggalag has no followers and is basically starting from ground zero. I get the vibe that their power mainly comes from seduction, assuming they could ever seduce another Daedric Prince. 1.He slayed Alduin. Clavicus, Peryite, Meridia, etc. Not that impressive at first glance. Personally, I think that the most powerful Daedra is Sheogorath. Sheogorath can be considered the strongest Daedric Prince in The Elder Scrolls due to his insanity. Lies, deceit, sex, etc. Dagon is weaker than Alduin, who is weaker than the Dovahkiin. Edited by BugCollector on October 23, 2015 12:09PM May knowledge guide you to enlightenment Strongest Daedric Prince 183 votes Azura 4% 9 votes Boethiah 2% 4 votes Hermaeus Mora 20% 37 votes Hircine 1% 2 votes Mehrunes Dagon 9% 18 votes Mephala 2% 4 votes Meridia 2% 4 votes Molag Bal 9% 18 votes Nocturnal 3% 7 votes Sheogorath 43% 80 votes Given the fact that we see Hermaeus disintegrate at least 3 people (Storn, Miraak and that guy from the Daedric quest with a book of knowledge), I would say they are just as powerful as each other. His out-of-the-box thinking has allowed Sheogorath to best the likes of Hircine . Not to mention Nocturnal is one of the few Daedra you actually sign a contract for your soul with. It may not display this or other websites correctly. The Bar With No Name member since August 3rd 2011. Mephala 13. The Wabbajack has the power to instant kill, turn people into chickens, make them go insane, or cast random destruction spells. Molag Bal is beaten by a weak amulet, why should he be the strongest daedra? ( (may not neccesarily have permenantly destroyed him, but he did best him in combat)) 2.Destroyed The progenitor of one of the more powerful vampire races ( (it's never explicitly stated that Harkon is the first Volkihar Vampire to exist. Mehphala has the most widespread influence and power, Molag Bal is know for cruelty towards even his own followers (as was mentioned), and Mehrunes Dagon doesn't really need to be . There was a time in the Elder Scrolls timeline where Jyggalag was unquestionably the strongest Daedric Prince in the franchise. I remember reading somewhere that they are potentially the Dark Brotherhood's Night Mother herself, or the Night Mother is an extension of her. If this is true then she would definitely be the most powerful. Malacath 11. The ones who serve Sheogorath are called the Mazken. Given that Skyrim is having a rise lately around me, I thought I'd have a read up on it again. I'd have to personally say that the straight up strongest would be Mehrunes Dagon. That's all the good stuff for Mephala. I've not got much knowledge on this myself however, so I'll leave Boethiah out of my idea. 10/10 Origins. The reason is because it was never confirmed that he lost any power when he became a Daedra and Trinimac was more powerful then any Aedra/Daedra. I would say Malacath, and if not him, then Molag Bal. By delving into the dense and complex lore of the games, players can begin to solve the puzzle of the Daedric Princes. . 3. Jyggalag was at one point the strongest, so powerful in fact that he was attacked by the other Daedra and cursed into becoming Sheogorath. Nocturnal should be the strongest daedra beside Jyggalag. His battle with Hircine and his champion and all he used was a tiny bird to battle against Hircine's Were beast and beat him by outwitting him. I hear alot about Mephala supposedly being very powerful, can't even remember what information I saw that made me think of them as such. While it's hard to list the Daedric Princes as objectively weaker or stronger than others, players can view their actions and Artifacts to determine which Daedric Princes are more influential than others. Can you open the gate to chest in Arkngthamz. Clavicus Vile 12. As for number three, I'm going with M'aiq. Anyone else completely underwhelmed by the lack of Just a regular chicken wanting to learn magic. Not just that, but he does the fishstick, which is a very delicate state of mind. Molag Bal 5. You go Today, 6 years ago Skyrim Special Edition was released . He can't be defeated by normal means as his power is sheer madness. One of the et'Ada, Lorkhan, created . Mehrunes Dagon appears to be quite the brash type, powerful, but forgetful of preparation. No. Who is the most evil Daedric Prince? The seekers appear to be gifted in magic that most Daedra wouldn't know either, so it implies that they are gifted with the Knowledge that Herma-Mora has to offer, which does make them exceptionally powerful in the way he makes mere mortals become gods among themselves. Some refer to Nocturnal as the Ur-Daedra. In the topic of Herma-Mora's artifacts being powerful; that's actually not the case. Nerf one grind, two more take its place; hail Gryndra! Also, the ability to divine the future can come in handy for a god-like being. A Nightingale has a responsibility of protecting Nocturnals Twighlight Sepulcher, whereas a Werewolf/Lycanthrope joins a Hunt in Hircines realm. The Nightingale has more resting on their shoulders, so it can potentially be a case of some background agreements between Princes, on who's soul binding has greater value. Molag Bal can be comparable to the above. 3.7K I think we can all agree the most powerful Daedric prince is Nazeem, whose sphere of influence is driving people to quick saving and then beheading him, then reloading the save, not to. ), I believe that as far as power goes - in relation to Nirn - Sheogorath has the most power. A subreddit dedicated to the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. I hate Skyrim's mace design. And if the two decided to make an alliance? D:), Someone like Namira doesn't seem like they'd be all that powerful, as they just like yucky things. Perhaps the most well known of the Daedric Princes, Mehrunes Dagon is the prince of destruction, revolution and bloodshed. Boethiah, I can mention having great influence over the real world by the brief events of Skyrim. um I think Molag Bal Because Vampires worship him, He is the prince of Domination,and His one life goal is to enslave the world. I have completed this game in its utmost entirety. Not counting Jyggalag. Elder Scrolls is a FANDOM Games Community. I'd say that Molag Bal and Hircine get first dibs, assuming that the Dragonborn is either a Vampire or a Werewolf. The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the Nine. Also, note that Daedric Princes CAN be fought like normal beings, in the sense that they are physically existent. I also know that, before he was turned into Sheogorath, Jyggalag was the most powerful, but I think in the Shivering Isles DLC, when you free him from the curse (which took all the other princes to put on him, iirc) he's weaker than he used to be, and has to recover most of his strength. Rely entirely on Mortals for their purpose, so yknow. Like before, I've not got too much more to say on this. Hundreds of hours in Skyrim and Ive never seen this potion. Boethiah. The other princes banded together against him out of fear and desperation. Of course, fans that completed Oblivion's Shivering Isles DLC know that Jyggalag's curse has been broken. My final answer on who is most powerful? Meridia 10. This links her to Sithis, which has some potential power increases on her behalf. The artifacts themselves are powerful because they are extensions of his knowledge being granted to Mortals. Sheogorath can win simply by saying "im going to fight you now" and doing nothing. If anyone's stuck on who's missing from the poll due to the 10 options limit, it's, Comes the dawn, the sun will rise in the west. Mephala is busy whispering lies and desires into peoples minds, and Hircine and Molag Bals unnatural diseases run rampant throughout Tamriel. His creation of Vampires is likely disgusting to her, but her power is unsure of still. If not him then Nocturnal. The Oblivion Crisis isn't exactly something he'd have had to do alone though, but more he was the Daedric Prince that took the first bite. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. As the mother of night, she claims to be an aspect of the original Void itself, and it is generally deemed best to fortify this declaration in one's evening prayers. I'm unsure if a Vampires death leads to them being claimed by Molag Bal, but I'd certainly assume so. Daedric weapons are among the strongest in the game because they were created by the Daedric Princes of Tamriel. Jyggalag was at one point the strongest, so powerful in fact that he was attacked by the other Daedra and cursed into becoming Sheogorath. Jyggalag is out of this thread cause hes weak as hell so we won't be using him. Stealth is a subtle sort of power, often overlooked. He still has the power of Jyggalag, just not the aggressive tendency to use that strength. Basic guide to dedicated templar healing in veteran group dungeons. In the Dragonborn DLC, it was Hermaeus. Hermaeus Mora, "the Gardener of Men", claims that he is one of the oldest Princes, born of thrown-away ideas used during the creation of mortality in the Mundus. Firstly - Herma Mora. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Cheers for reading. According to Skyrim, Peryite is the weakest of the Big 16, and according to 2920 Rain's Hand the eight most prominent (in no particular order) are Azura, Molag Bal, Hermaeus Mora, Boethiah, Hircine, Malacath, Dagon and Sheogorath. Never played or seen the game before. Again, it can be up to contest over a valuable soul like the Dragonborns. You better pray to the other Daedra, Aedra, and Divines. Having the power to change entire races into something else entirely is a bit overpowered. View complete answer on Who is the main Daedric Prince? The et'Ada were ethereal beings, the original inhabitants of the universe. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. This can help glean a sliver of insight into their inscrutable motivations, powers, and intentions. - posted in General Skyrim Discussion: Hey all! 2022 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Let me know how accurate my list is in your opinion and show us your own list. Realistically, taking a look at the Princes, I would consider the most powerful being based off of their influence on the world. Thought you guys might appreciate my Daedric Armour cosplay, Press J to jump to the feed. 2. Jyggalag is ridiculous. View complete answer on Is Barbas a Daedric Prince? Mehrunes Dagon is likely the evilest among all the Daedric Princes as he represents destruction above all else. Some refer to Nocturnal as the Ur-Daedra. With this, and given the nature of the Mace of Molag Bal, it can be seen that he has great influence over the world. Power in TES is really hard to measure, it is all very circumstantial, but there are some Daedra that have specifically been said to be more powerful than others. You are using an out of date browser. The knowledge itself is power, because the information leads to great power by whatever means. RELATED: 10 Best House Mods In Skyrim Special Edition, Ranked. Jyggalag I feel just for the fact that it took all the Daedric Princes to contain him and even then Sheogorath is still a pretty powerful Daedric Prince. To make this easier, lets list them in groups of four, here is my list. He is the patron of magic 2. 1. Molag Bal simply laughs, and proceeds to resurrect Logrolf in front of the Dragonborns eyes. 1 jyggalag daedric prince of order, he became so powerful that other princes grew jealous or even afraid of him and cursed him to become the daedric prince of madness sheogorath, he was shown during oblivion crisis but went quiet after that. How to prepare for veteran group dungeons (guide for new players. Daedra such as Mehrunes Dagon, Azura, Boethiah, Hermaeus. This is a recipe for disaster in the right hands. the Vampire lord from the Dawngaurd dlc fears him and worships him also he CREATED the vampires and he destroyed a city by basiclly breathing on it, also the mace of molag bal is the best mace in the game an thats when used by a mortal imagene if he used his mace while at full power with his armor and an army of vampires and other monsters I think Molag Bal makes other Daedric lords piss themselves. Herma-Mora's army of seekers, behind the tanky Lurkers, could be a real threat too. Everything said above about Sheogorath and the 16 Accords of Madness not using actual power is my reasoning. Hircine 2. You could certainly try to find reasonings on them being more powerful that one thinks however, considering that Clavicus has the ability to grant Mortals items upon bargaining. You said Jyggalag is the weakest but when you meet him in the game he was weakened, at his full power he is canonically the strongest, he was so strong that the other 15 Daedra, that normally hate each other, feared him so much that they teamed up to curse him, Sheogorath (at least the old one) being Jyggalag with insanity should be the strongest if you go by raw power. Thread title: From: Last replied: Now searching. Wasn't Jyggolag betrayed by the other deadric princes and cursed into becoming Sheogorath? Edited by BugCollector on October 23, 2015 12:09PM, Edited by Teiji on October 23, 2015 12:26PM, Edited by BuggeX on October 23, 2015 12:34PM, Edited by LBxFinalDeath on October 23, 2015 1:04PM, Edited by Uriel_Nocturne on October 23, 2015 4:57PM. Of course, fans that completed Oblivion's Shivering Isles DLC know that Jyggalag's curse has . I would say Malacath. There was a time in the Elder Scrolls timeline where Jyggalag was unquestionably the strongest Daedric Prince in the franchise. They do but Golden Saints was in Morrowind and then they put them in Oblivion with the Shivering Isles download. Strongest Daedric prince. Who is the most powerful Daedric Prince? i was wondering who (in your opinion) is the strongest daedric prince at the time of skyrims events. Just like Daedric Artifacts, not all Daedric Princes are created equal. Keepercraft has a good point, anyone else read those stories about Sheo outplaying the other princes in their own areas of strength? If not, Molag Bal. You bind yourself to him and when you die fucking wolves come and drag your spirit to run through the hunting grounds for eternity. JavaScript is disabled. He fled from Mundus BEFORE lost part of his powers and left the sun 4. They could wiggle their moldy toes at the Daedric Princes, but would likely be defeated by Neloth if they used such a technique. 17 Jyggalag. His power was so vast that the other Daedra conspired against him, cursing him with his alter ego . However, Sheogorath in mind, I'm glad to know that he's not just immediately overpowered over the other Princes. He is now free of that curse, but he is still regaining his strength, so it is unlikely that he is still the strongest. Skyrim: Every Daedric Prince, Ranked Weakest To Strongest8 Hircine.7 Malacath.6 Boethiah.5 Hermaeus Mora.4 Molag Bal.3 Azura.2 Mehrunes Dagon.1 Sheogorath. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Think instead of their influence among mortals and how that plays out. If this is true then she would definitely be the most powerful. I'm not even going to get into Jyggalag. Of course - it could always lead to a stalemate, and whichever Prince is more powerful would get dibs, assuming they cared enough. Oaths can be broken, business contracts can be made null and void, but a curse is unwillingly given, or at least unable to be broken by just saying 'meh'. Trinimac was an ancient Aedroth (Et'Ada or "Original Spirit"), Aldmeri deity, and the alleged precursor to the Daedric Prince Malacath. Based during the events of Skyrim, here are all 17 Daedric Princes ranked from weakest to strongest. 1. That's all I have to say, not once backed up with evidence, but I feel like it is fair? 341 Peryite is one of the group of seventeen strongest Daedra known as Daedric Princes.Among mortals, he is considered the Lord of Pestilence; among the Daedra, he is charged with ordering. He may have the vaster army, though it could still be considerably weaker. This one has an eloquent and well thought out response to tha Ooh sweetroll! During the House of Horrors quest, when you attempt to make Logrolf the Willful (I think) submit to the Daedric Prince, you end up killing him. Based on the types of armies they have though, I'd imagine something like Mephala's Spider Daedra comprised army would be pretty strong, but one must also remember just how potentially strong Hircines army could be. Mephala, Boethia, and Molag Bal are the top 3 after Jyggalag was maddened. Small guide to bagspace, economy and crafting for new players. Is this even debatable? Fight me. Herma-Mora may seek this knowledge out, but he'd undoubtedly never get it. The extent of this ability is unknown to me. Why can't I hire a steward for Heljarchen Hall? I would say Malacath. Plausible thought, though? Nocturnal is accorded the title Ur-dra by nearly all the Royalty of Oblivion. Both have entire races under their rule and both are immensely dangerous. Well it is a possibility. Featured: PlayStation 4 PokLounge Thinker's Lounge Pokmon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl Movies Pokmon Trading Football (Soccer) Books&Lit AC:NH Dragon Quest XI Site/Forums Help Sports Computer Hardware Music Zelda BotW Even if he is incredibly powerful, he weakens himself whenever breaking into Nirn, and doesn't ever give himself the time to recuperate before he is beaten. Werewolves are particularly powerful creatures, and shouldn't be taken lightly. Jyggalag IS included in this list and is a separate entity from sheogorath because: shivering isle spoilers following Spoiler At the the end of the shivering isles, you become sheogorath and defeat Jyggalag, ending the . (I've seen too much hentai to see where this is going with Herma Mora. Boethiah 6. If you don't wanna type all 16 than just list the top 4 strongest daedric prince in your opinion. For example - he granted the power to control Dragonsto Miraak and the Last Dragonborn. You have small timer princes like Peryite and Vaermina, even though they are Daedric Princes their influence on the world isn't much. In a 1v1 fight, I'd imagine that his role would allow for him to win such a fight. They have great power, and with the way things are, there is potential for there to be Knowledge behind how that power works. While not inherently good or bad, he can give good someone helpful or destructive knowledge. His power was so vast that the other Daedra conspired against him, cursing him with his alter ego Sheogorath. However, this could greatly be an ability that most Daedric Princes possess, but both Molag Bal and Boethiah tend to show it off more (Another reason for their rivalry). Mehrunes Dagon. Sheogorath only prince that can pop up on Nirn when ever he wants. So with that mind, using the Oblivion Crisis as an example of his powerscaling isn't entirely accurate if I'm right. His influence is also pretty wide, considering he is known for spreading disease.

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