what are the names of the high level clouds?workspace one assist pricing

This attitude is not absolute though; in Consider Phlebas, some Minds suggest testing a new technology on a "spare planet" (knowing that it could be destroyed in an antimatter explosion if unsuccessful). High-level clouds (cirrus, cirrocumulus, cirrostratus) that form above 20,000 feet (6,096 m) Cumulonimbus, which tower across the low, middle, and upper atmosphere; Cumulonimbus clouds are one of the few clouds that span the low, middle, and high layers. These clouds are mostly made up of ice crystals as the ambient temperature (20 C to 30 C) is below the frost point of the water. Many of the described uses are by or for Special Circumstances, but there are no indications that the use of nanotechnology is limited in any way. At Kidadl we pride ourselves on offering families original ideas to make the most of time spent together at home or out and about, wherever you are in the world. But above all they tend to behave rationally and benevolently in their decisions. For instance, in Use of Weapons, the Culture operates within a less advanced illiberal society through control of a business cartel which is known for its humanitarian and social development investments, as well as generic good Samaritanism. Hazardous Outlook Sabbaticaler Culture Minds who have decided to abdicate from their peer-pressure based duties in the Culture for a time. Hence these divisions are regarded as the Culture's elite and membership is widely regarded as a prize; yet also something that can be shameful as it contradicts many of the Culture's moral codes. Guests in the airspheres are not allowed to use any force-field technology, though no reason has been offered for this prohibition. Using the sensory equipment available to the Culture, Minds can see inside solid objects; in principle they can also read minds by examining the cellular processes inside a living brain, but Culture Minds regard such mindreading as taboo. Hydrology, Forecasts In the Idiran-Culture War (possibly one of the most hard-fought wars for the normally extremely superior Culture forces), various star systems, stellar regions and many orbital habitats were overrun by the Idirans before the Culture had converted enough of its forces to military footing. This is coded according to established categories, detailed on the three pages linked below. With their almost godlike powers of reasoning and action comes a temptation to bend (or break) Cultural norms of ethical behaviour, if deemed necessary for some greater good. Culture Minds (mostly also being ships) usually give themselves whimsical names, though these often hint at their function as well. Use of M32 is reserved for extremely secret and reserved information and communication within Special Circumstances. The Admiral here says that from this time they experienced very pleasant weather, and that the mornings were most delightful, wanting nothing but the melody of the nightingales. Ships and Minds also have a slightly distasteful view of SC procedure associated with M32, one Ship Mind going so far as to object to the standard SC attitude of "Full scale, stark raving M32 don't-talk-about-this-or-we'll-pull-your-plugs-out-baby paranoia" on the use of the encryption.[5][1]. (In a passage in one of the books, there is a brief reference to the question of sentience when comparing the human brain or a "pico-level substrate".). Did you know that there are many types of clouds that enhance the look of the sky? Some examples are: Some humanoid or drone Culture citizens have long names, often with seven or more words. the cloud temperature at cloud top ranging from 150 to 340 K. the cloud pressure at top 1013 100 hPa. All NOAA, Florida Keys Cloud Chart They are passionate about turning your everyday moments into memories and bringing you inspiring ideas to have fun with your family. By joining Kidadl you agree to Kidadls Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and consent to receiving marketing communications from Kidadl. The Culture has a grasp of technology that is advanced relative to most other civilisations that share the galaxy. WTOP delivers the latest news, traffic and weather information to the Washington, D.C. region. 4. Smart Analytics Solutions Generate instant insights from data at any scale with a serverless, fully managed analytics platform that significantly simplifies analytics. Nevertheless, unless there's some form of catastrophe, we are going to use machines whether we like it or not. EPA Sunwise/UV Index, Additional Info [20] In Excession, an overwhelmingly more powerful individual from an extremely advanced civilisation is simply passing through on its way from one plane of the physical Reality to another, and there is no real interaction. (e) The burning of the forest can stimulate the growth of other plant species. M1 is basic Nonary Marain, the three-by-three grid. What species are typically targeted for reintroduction? Lots of other civilisations within the same universe hit the Culture's technological level and even the actuality of the Culture's utopia, but it doesn't last very long that's the difference. They administer this abundance for the benefit of all. While not explained in detail in the novels, this involves antimatter and the "energy grid", a postulated energy field dividing the universe from neighboring anti-matter universes, and providing practically limitless energy. Most often, societies categorised as hegemonising swarms consist of species or groups newly arrived in the galactic community with highly expansionary and exploitative goals. They take on many shapesand those shapes change even as they roll across the sky, right before your eyes! Local Data/Records The first legislation on water quality was (a) the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. In Matter, it is described that there are a number of other galactic civilisations that come close to or potentially even surpass the Culture in power and sophistication. However, this equipment would more correctly be considered emplaced in the ship or orbital that the Mind is controlling, rather than being part of the Mind itself.[11]. Others travel the galaxy in huge space ships such as General Systems Vehicles (GSVs) that can accommodate hundreds of millions of people. Well send you tons of inspiration to help you find a hidden gem in your local area or plan a big day out. 1887 CE (approximate) or 2167 CE (approximate). Clouds are also generally classified into three levels: high clouds, mid-level clouds, and low-level clouds. Please try another search. When these masses condense, rain is generated. It would have helped if the Culture had used some sort of emblem or logo; but, pointlessly unhelpful and unrealistic to the last, the Culture refused to place its trust in symbols. You have subscribed to: Remember that you can always manage your preferences or unsubscribe through the link at the foot of each newsletter. They are made up of water droplets, unlike high-level clouds in which crystals are present. Marine Weather, Climate Survival (current) The Lost Ways 2. The highest of the high clouds of the Earth award goes to, drumroll, noctilucent clouds! While clouds appear in infinite shapes and sizes they fall into some basic forms. The mental capabilities of Minds are described in Excession to be vast enough to run entire universe-simulations inside their own imaginations, exploring metamathical (a fictional branch of metamathematics) scenarios, an activity addictive enough to cause some Minds to totally withdraw from caring about our own physical reality into "Infinite Fun Space", their own, ironic and understated term for this sort of activity. Many of the series' protagonists are humanoids who choose to work for the Culture's elite diplomatic or espionage organisations, and interact with other civilisations whose citizens hold wildly different ideologies, morals, and technologies. Other characteristics of The Culture that are recognisable in real world politics include pacifism, post-capitalism, and transhumanism. They are gray cloud this that cover the entire sky and can be the result of very thick fog lifting in the morning. The interwoven stories are told from the viewpoint of several of the locals. Noctilucent clouds also possess another distinct name: polar mesospheric clouds. It maintained that it was what it was and had no need for such outward representation. While a General Contact Unit (GCU) does not strictly need a crew (and could construct artificial avatars when it did), a real human crew adds richness to its existence, and offers distraction during otherwise dull periods. These are very imposing clouds that can generate different types of precipitation: from drizzle to thunderstorms, passing through snow and hail. These are entities that exist to convert as much of the universe as possible into more of themselves; most typically these are technological in nature, resembling more sophisticated forms of grey goo, but the term can be applied to cultures that are sufficiently single-minded in their devotion to mass conquest, control, and colonisation. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. These are asteroids and other non-planetary bodies hollowed out for habitation and usually spun for centrifugal artificial gravity. Three spheres are recorded as having been destroyed in the Idiran-Culture war.[20]. Banks also hints at a Mind's personality becoming defined at least partially before its creation or 'birth'. Which statement is NOT true of aquaculture. As a consequence, the Culture has no need of economic constructs such as money (as is apparent when it deals with civilisations in which money is still important). The inner workings of The Culture are not especially described in detail though it is shown that the society is populated by an empowered, educated and augmented citizenry in a direct democracy or highly democratic and transparent system of self-governance. NWS As the names suggest, high levels clouds are located at the highest level of the troposphere of Earth. SKYWARN Some ships (GSVs, for example) are tens or even hundreds of kilometres in length and may have millions or even billions of residents who live on them full-time; together with Orbitals, such ships represent the main form of habitat for the Culture. Banks deliberately portrayed an imperfect utopia whose imperfection or weakness is related to its interaction with the 'other', that is, exterior civilisations and species that are sometimes variously warred with or mishandled through the Culture's Contact section which cannot always control its intrigues and the individuals it either 'employs' or interacts with. Required fields are marked *. Citizens of the Culture refer to a normal human as "human-basic" and the vast majority opt for significant enhancements: severed limbs grow back, sexual physiology can be voluntarily changed from male to female and back (though the process takes time),[8] sexual stimulation and endurance are strongly heightened in both sexes (something that is often the subject of envious debate among other species), pain can be switched off, toxins can be bypassed away from the digestive system, autonomic functions such as heart rate can be switched to conscious control, reflexes like blinking can be switched off, and bones and muscles adapt quickly to changes in gravity without the need to exercise. All members are also free to join, leave, and rejoin, or indeed declare themselves to be, say, 80% Culture. [24] While Culture interventions can seem similar at first to Western interventions, especially when considered with their democratising rhetoric, the argument is that the Culture operates completely without material need, and therefore without the possibility of baser motives. I'm not convinced that humanity is capable of becoming the Culture because I think people in the Culture are just too nice altering their genetic inheritance to make themselves relatively sane and rational and not the genocidal, murdering bastards that we seem to be half the time. SZENSEI'S SUBMISSIONS: This page shows a list of stories and/or poems, that this author has published on Literotica. b. water depth. Stores Minds of a quiet temperament run these asteroids, containing vast hangars, full of mothballed military ships or other equipment. Without scarcity, the Culture has no need for money; instead, minds voluntarily indulge humanoid and drone citizens' pleasures, leading to a largely hedonistic society. While still considered sentient, a mind's power at this point is considered greatly inferior to a contemporary Mind. Armed Poll Watchers in Arizona Heighten Alarm Over Right-Wing Voter Intimidation the events of the book are almost simultaneous with Diziet Sma's writing an account of her visit to Earth in 1977. They are associated with the presence of good weather and are typical formations of the summer months. Higher level encryptions exist, the highest of these being M32. Their bluish color appears from the absorption of ozone in the path of sunlight. Culture technology can transform individuals into vastly different body forms,[1] although the Culture standard form remains fairly close to human. Write a guide that encourages people to conserve energy and offers practical tips to show them how. Minds are constructed with a personality typical of the Culture's interests, i.e. Cumulonimbus. Cumulus and cumulonimbus clouds are both known as vertical clouds. The Culture's central moral dilemma regarding intervention in other societies can be construed as a conflict between the desire to help others and the desire to avoid becoming a hegemonising swarm themselves. b. lithosphere and hydrosphere. It's just my take on it. "Sperk", as described in Matter, is a mood- and energy-enhancing drug, while other such self-produced drugs include "Calm", "Gain", "Charge", "Recall", "Diffuse", "Somnabsolute", "Softnow", "Focal", "Edge", "Drill", "Gung", "Winnow" and "Crystal Fugue State". The Culture is a posthuman society, which originally arose when seven or eight roughly humanoid space-faring species coalesced into a quasi-collective (a group-civilisation) ultimately consisting of approximately thirty trillion (short scale) sentient (more properly, sapient) beings (this includes artificial intelligences). All information provided here is for education purposes only. Cumulus clouds that do not get very tall are indicators of fair weather.. What is the highest type of cloud? Transmission or storage of such energy is not explained, though these capabilities must be powerful as well, with tiny drones capable of very powerful manipulatory fields and forces. Cirrostratus clouds are whitish and transparent and tend to blanket the whole sky, sometimes creating a halo effect around the sun or moon. Kidadl is independent and to make our service free to you the reader we are supported by advertising. Strato-Prefix to describe low level clouds-cumulus. As Culture citizens see it these good works provide the Culture with a "moral right to exist". Android is a mobile operating system based on a modified version of the Linux kernel and other open-source software, designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.Android is developed by a consortium of developers known as the Open Handset Alliance and commercially sponsored by Google.It was unveiled in November 2007, with the Local Observed Climate [10] In 'Excession', it is also played on to put a Mind in its placein the mythology, a Mind is not thought to be a god, still, but an artificial intelligence capable of surprise, and even fear. Character traits like strong shyness, while very rare, are not fully unknown, as shown in Excession. His mission is to win an empire-wide tournament by which the ruler of the empire is selected. As an Amazon Associate, Kidadl earns from qualifying purchases. High Clouds, Current Hazards The Latin word cirro means curl of hair. Their name explains their characteristics since they cannot be observed during the day, because of the brightness of our giant, ball of heat, the Sun. These usually administer various types of Culture facilities: Minds (and, as a consequence, Culture starships) usually bear names that do a little more than just identify them. Ships in the Culture are intelligent individuals, often of very large size, controlled by one or more Minds. What is normal cloud height? Please Contact Us. Please update your billing details here to continue enjoying your subscription. The Culture (at least by the time of The Player of Games) has developed a form of teleportation capable of transporting both living and unliving matter instantaneously via wormholes. We recognise that not all activities and ideas are appropriate and suitable for all children and families or in all circumstances. Life underwater is greatly affected by light availability, which is directly related to A Culture special agent who is a princess of an early-industrial society on a huge artificial planet learns that her father and brother have been killed and decides to return to her homeworld. Low level clouds are generally based at or below 6,500 feet above ground, mid-level clouds are generally based between 6,500 feet and 15,000 feet above ground, and high level clouds are generally based more than 15,000 feet above ground. Place a 3-5 pieces of ice on top of the lid of the jar. Noctilucent clouds are also sensitive indexes for determining what's going on in the atmosphere. A culture spaceship is the Mind and vice versa; there are no different names for the two, and a spaceship without a Mind would be considered damaged or incomplete to the Culture.[10]. Ben Collier has said that the Culture is a utopia carrying significantly greater moral legitimacy than the West's, by comparison, proto-democracies. Cumulus clouds are also called fair wether clouds and look like floating cotton. Their capacities only allow them to be considered equivalent to what are now known as AI Cores, small (in the literal physical sense) Artificial intelligences used in shuttles, trans-light modules, Drones, and other machines not large enough for a full scale Mind. Other than the engines used by larger Culture ships, there are a number of other propulsion methods such as gravitic drive at sublight speeds, with antimatter, fusion and other reaction engines occasionally seen with less advanced civilisations, or on Culture hobby craft. the cloud IR emissivity, with values between 0 and 1, with a global average around 0.7. Local Research Within Contact and Special Circumstances, there are also inner circles that can take control in crises, somewhat contradictory to the ideal notions of democratic and open process the Culture espouses. Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, creative tips and more. Watch the top of the jar carefully and you will see a cloud begin to form. They are masses of water that extend into large sections of the sky and can generate light drizzle. Root name for puffy shaped clouds that grow vertically-cirrus. It is shown in Consider Phlebas that actual decisions to go to war (as opposed to purely defensive actions) are based on a vote of all Culture citizens, presumably after vigorous discussion within the whole society. How Do You Get Rid Of Hiccups In 5 Seconds? Others drift from the Culture-accepted ethical norms, and may even start influencing their own society in subtle ways, selfishly furthering their own views of how the Culture should act. They are mainly associated with cirrus, altocumulus, and stratus clouds over 5,000m. Much of the Culture's population lives on orbitals, vast artificial worlds that can accommodate billions of people. Furthermore, the Culture's ideals, in many ways similar to those of the liberal perspective today,[3] are to a much larger extent realised internally in comparison to the West. The freedoms include the ability to leave the Culture when desired, often forming new associated but separate societies with Culture ships and Minds, most notably the Zetetic Elench and the ultra-pacifist and non-interventionist Peace Faction. These are high-stratus clouds made up of small masses of water, which give them the appearance of irregular cotton specks. Their biological make-up and their growing up in an enlightened society make neuroses and lesser emotions like greed or (strong) jealousy practically unknown, and produce persons that, in any lesser society, appear very self-composed and charismatic. In one incident during the Culture-Idiran War, they strive to avoid offending a civilisation so advanced that it has disengaged from Galactic politics, and note that this hyper-advanced society is not a threat to either the welfare or the values of the Culture. In her preface to this account in "The State of the Art", she dates the visit to 115 years earlier. Cloud Names. Cumulonimbus is a combination of two Latin words; cumulus, meaning heap and nimbus meaning rainstorm. Banks has written[citation needed] that he presumes this to be an inherent consequence of space colonisation, and a foundation of the liberal nature of the Culture. Dyson spheres also exist in the Culture universe but receive only passing mention as "Spheres". The danger involved in this imaginative step, though, is clear; one of the problems with the Culture novels as novels is that the central characters, the Minds, are too powerful and, to put it bluntly, too good.[3]. This will then give you the height above ground level. There are different types of clouds, classified according to their shape, height, or development: In 1803, the English meteorologist Luke Howard created the first cloud classification system based on four basic forms: The International Cloud Atlas, which began publication in 1921, was based on Luke Howard's system. The list, ordered by date of publishing, is: When asked in Wired magazine (June 1996) whether mankind's fate depends on having intelligent machines running things, as in the Culture, Banks replied: Not entirely, no. M32 and lower level encrypted signals are the province of Special Circumstances (SC). The species that developed this technology, known as the Veil or the Involucra, are now lost, and many of the remaining shellworlds have become inhabited, often by many different species throughout their varying levels. The Salem witch trials were a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts between February 1692 and May 1693. Graphical Forecast Within the range of the Culture's influence in the galaxy, most ships would still take years of travelling to reach the more remote spots. A group within the Culture, known as Contact, is responsible for its interactions (diplomatic or otherwise) with other civilisations. The Culture has achieved artificial intelligences where each Mind has thought processing capabilities many orders of magnitude beyond that of human beings, and data storage drives which, if written out on paper and stored in filing cabinets, would cover thousands of planets skyscraper high (as described by one Mind in Consider Phlebas). This article contains incorrect information, This article doesnt have the information Im looking for, Amazing Facts About The Highest Clouds In The Sky. Minds do not end up in roles unsuited to them; an antisocial Mind simply would not volunteer to organise the care of thousands of humans, for example. This gives some measure of privacy and protection; though the very nature of Culture society would, strictly speaking, make keeping secrets irrelevant: most of them would be considered neither shameful nor criminal. The Culture believes the SapirWhorf hypothesis that language influences thought, and Marain was designed by early Minds to exploit this effect, while also "appealing to poets, pedants, engineers and programmers". Noctilucent clouds are considered to be a beautiful natural phenomenon. The usage of such devices is limited by various treaties and agreements among the Involved. In Consider Phlebas, it is being used as a military transport by the Idirans, but no further details are given. Stratus clouds produce steady rains, and cumulus clouds produce intense, stormy precipitation. Some scientists predict that there is a direct connection between climate change andnoctilucent clouds. When these high-level clouds accumulate too much water vapor at that high altitude, they release rain. In Banks's universe, a good part (but by no means an overwhelming percentage) of all sentient species is of the "pan-human" type, as noted in Matter. The novels of the Culture cycle, therefore, mostly deal with people at the fringes of the Culture: diplomats, spies, or mercenaries; those who interact with other civilisations, and who do the Culture's dirty work in moving those societies closer to the Culture ideal, sometimes by force. In The Hydrogen Sonata, one of these founding civilisations was named as the Buhdren Federality. Altocumulus clouds are composed of water droplets and are gray and puffy. PLAY. Native elements are essentially the minerals that make up Earth's crust. It doesn't necessarily have to rely on machines. The Minds themselves choose their own names, and thus they usually express something about a particular Mind's attitude, character or aims in their personal life. Please select one of the following: One of the many functions of the National Weather Service is to collect weather data and observations. Yet it has managed to condense these entities to a volume of several dozen cubic metres (though much of the contents and the operating structure are continually in hyperspace). Even the names of warships retain this humorous approach, though the implications are much darker. Converts Minds (or sentient computers) from other societies who have chosen to join the Culture. Safety Videos What if you could control the camera with not just the stick but also motion controls (if the controller supports it, for example the switch pro controller) I would imagine it working like in Splatoon where you move with the stick for rough camera movements while using motion to Anyone using the information provided by Kidadl does so at their own risk and we can not accept liability if things go wrong. Cumulonimbus clouds extend high into the sky in towers or plumes. Even though they can look like cushy puffballs, a cloud cant support your weight or hold anything up but itself. List two factors that determine where an organism lives in an aquatic ecosystem. The Gray Area reflects that the Excession is the most dangerous thing to be seen in the galaxy since the worst days of Idiran war, which took place five centuries before. Those who objected to the Culture's subsequent militarisation broke off from the meta-civilisation, forming their own separate civilisation; a hallmark of the Culture is its ambiguity. Displacement is an integral part of Culture technology, being widely used for a range of applications from peaceful to belligerent. Dark layer clouds can also indicate forthcoming rain. Though they posed no immediate, direct threat to the Culture, the Culture declared war because it would have felt useless if it allowed the Idirans' ruthless expansion to continue. Noctilucent clouds are some of nature's rare spectacular occurrences and should be at least observed once in your lifetime. Our experienced journalists want to glorify God in what we do. Not only are they the most advanced scientists and designers the Culture has, their lesser functions also oversee the vast (but usually hidden) production and maintenance capabilities of the society. High clouds are classified as either cirrus, cirrostratus, or cirrocumulus. Unfortunately, it does not feel like cotton balls or cotton candy, but most people have technically touched a cloud before. Brian Williams . The usage of the term "hegemonising swarm" in this context is considered derisive in the Culture and among other Involved and is used to indicate their low regard for those with these ambitions by comparing their behaviour to that of mindless self-replicating technology. Forecast Discussion Noctilucent clouds are mostly formed in polar regions because the mesosphere is the coldest in that region. And communication within Special Circumstances ) with other cultures or societies space-based habitats easily capable ). Wide variety of characteristics can be freed from built-in limitations ; some n't! Women and five men ) not use reaction mass and they are formed water! 3 ] upper-level cloud group technology can transform individuals into vastly different forms! 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