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Next, Set elems = ht.getElementsByTagName(input) Writing code specific to a certain browser is a sure-fire way to keep your code hard to maintain and make it get dated really quickly. ie.Visible = True If elem.Type = submit Then As any change in JavaScript has an immediate effect on the performance and functionality of your web applications it is very tempting to optimize your code as much as possible regardless of the consequences for maintenance. included all possible events and compatibility browser. DoEvents .PreserveColumnInfo = True The DOM is a very complex API and rendering in browsers can take up a lot of time. This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. Horror story: only people who smoke could see some monsters. Dick Kusleika. Dim Tr As Object Hey, I am a beginner. Accessing the DOM in browsers is an expensive thing to do. URL = https://www.marketchameleon.com/Overview/ & Trim(TickerValue) & /Earnings/EPS-Results/, Dim tbl As HTMLTable This trick is called the Module Pattern: Again, this approach is not without issues. Under Kwiksheets, you can see that I have one worksheet. I think the problem is username and password not matching the source code. Theres a call. But the problem is, after saving the file, I close it and reopen. With ieDoc.forms(0) .input Name = ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder4$loginbeta$textPassword$_textbox = password .DropOffTime.Value = "0830" Theres been numerous battles raging over the years about whether to use comments at all, the main argument being that good code should explain itself. ieApp.Navigate http://severe-frost-552.heroku.com/login Using javascript how I can pass input value to mysql query as where condition. You'll probably need to use an intermediate server-side language (like PHP, Java, .Net, or a server-side JavaScript stack like Node.js) to do the query. End Function, Function GetMSXML() As Object MSXML2.XMLHTTP This turns addLink() into the more generic createLink(): By having all your functions only perform one task you can have a main init() function for your application that contains all the application structure. How to use google maps javascript client with java ee backend? If not then perform the next step. There are a couple of options. Next htmlInput, Create HTMLFile Object Hot Network Questions Ive tried to follow the instrustions above but am unable to find the relevant fields when I view the source of the webpage, maybe someone here could help me,, thanks, The website im trying to log into is : http://www.belldirect.com.au. JavaScript libraries provide you with a predictable, functioning base line to build upon. If you comment out parts of your code to be used at a later stage or to debug code there is a pretty sweet trick you can do: Adding a double slash before the closing star-slash sets your code up so that you can comment and uncomment the whole block by simply adding or removing a slash before the opening slash-star: With the code set up as shown in the above block, adding a slash before the opening slash-star will turn the multiline comment into two one-line comments, unhiding the code in between and causing it to be executed. If you have problems, leave a comment. MyBrowser.Visible = True, Do Ah yes, so you have @SumitKumarGupta. Do Until ieApp.readyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE: DoEvents: Loop, 'fill in the login form View Source from your browser to get the control names I only get parts of the table. Do Until ieApp.readyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE: DoEvents: Loop, With ieDoc.forms(0) Next htmlInput, Do Until MyBrowser.ReadyState = SHDocVw.tagREADYSTATE.READYSTATE_COMPLETE : Loop I posted a simple but detailed demo in pure JS and PHP here: The code you've posted doesn't check the value of the. serverIP = Bootstrap CSS dependency and reCaptcha client-side validation Dim LastRow As Long If Trim(htmlInput.Type) = submit Then Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 3) ajaxJavaajax Vulnerability management involves identifying, analyzing, triaging, and resolving security weaknesses. Dim htmlDoc As HTMLDocument ColumnCount = 0, For Each Tr In tbl.getElementsByTagName(tr) SQL PostgreSQL add attribute from polygon to all points inside polygon but keep all points not just those that fall inside polygon. If you can read line by line and understand what is going on, well done. You can download the latest version from here: https://github.com/VBA-tools/VBA-JSON/releases. Can you please help me out to get the source code of the link .. How to perform this if there is MFA , so after entering userid & password, a new token is received on mobile and needs to be entered. Dim htmlBody As Object MSHTML.HTMLBody If we concentrate more on making the initial code easy to understand and extend by other developers we can create the perfect build script. Do Until ieApp.readyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE: DoEvents: Loop, 'get the table based on the tables id In JavaScript, it is very important to test the type of parameters sent to your functions (using the typeof keyword). serverIP = Sheet1.PasteSpecial Unicode Text what's on the server is consistent with what's in the HTML. Youll find a lot of scripts defining an Array in the following way: This is a lot of useless repetition; this can be written a lot more quickly using the [ ] array shortcut: You will come across the term associative array in some tutorials. If you need to use a sketchpad to keep up with the flow of logic, then your code needs some work. If elem.Name = UserName Then A JsonConverter module will appear in the sidebar. Horror story: only people who smoke could see some monsters, Short story about skydiving while on a time dilation drug, Water leaving the house when water cut off. Set ieTable = ieDoc.all.Item(""), 'copy the tables html to the clipboard and paste to teh sheet Im fairly new to vba scripting and trying to do something similar to the cases described above but cant seem to get any of the above examples to work. To automate Internet Explorer, well need to set a reference to Microsoft Internet Controls. Dim ht As HTMLDocument Can VBA open Firefox, navigate to compose a new Gmail message, fill in the To:, Subject:, Attachments: and message body? Dim ieApp As InternetExplorer In the case of JavaScript, this means that when scripting is not available (say on a BlackBerry, or because of an over-zealous security policy) your web products should still allow users to reach a certain goal, not block them because of the lack of JavaScript which they cant turn on, or dont want to. End With Nope. Mapping between JSON and Java entities JSON.simple maps entities from the left side to the right side while decoding or parsing, and maps entities from the right to the left while encoding. End If It try use the most new object class from browser. Open your browser to the Web URL location where you saved the sample HTML file, such as https://localhost/form.htm. For example, the following construct defines a variable as 1 or -1, depending on the value of another variable: Anything before the question mark is the condition, the value immediately after it is the true case and the one after the colon the false case. Do While ieApp.Busy: DoEvents: Loop or is it because is no longer supported. So my question is: how can I adjust the code so that excel wont format the pasted values to a date format? Next we populate the two controls, login and password, and submit it. @victor - the person who edited the answer: I copy/pasted the code from the w3schools article. One of the most common mistake is to read the length attribute of an array at every iteration: This means that every time the loop runs, JavaScript needs to read the length of the array. I tried with. ActiveSheet.PasteSpecial Unicode Text Any help would be greatly appreciated. This should not however be a reason for you to write sloppy code that relies on browsers to make it work. .PickupTime.Value = "0830" Is there a way to get the whole page? .PickupDate.Value = "01/01/2012" Hey i am doing data entry job as part time i need your help to automate my work http://mca.gov.in/DCAPortalWeb/dca/MyMCALogin.do?method=setDefaultProperty&mode=31 How do I return the response from an asynchronous call? One of the most successful tips to keep your code maintainable and clean is to create a configuration object that contains all the things that are likely to change over time. Dim oDom As Object Text box lies in header.aspx and the corresponding data opens in default.aspx. An object called member would be oMember and a Boolean called isLegal would be bIsLegal. Case 2 Or you can update it to match the source article (it looked liked it hadn't changed to me, at a brief glance, but now I see the changes they made). Download and extract the zip file. tdCounter = 1, Sheets(temp).Select xHttp.send "form-login-username=uname&form-login-password=pword", Set hDoc = New MSHTML.HTMLDocument Also, do use jQuery for easy event handling. Very frustrating. .Adgangskode.Value = "***" You dont need IE for this. Do While ieApp.Busy: DoEvents: Loop YearQuarter = You can see this when running complex web applications when your computer is already maxed out with other work changes take longer or get shown half way through and so on. You need to wait a couple of seconds after login for the javascript to populate the tables before you can read them in. @FreddySidauruk You don't put in a div, it is executed via javascript function that calls google api which will then result you a response just like recaptchav2. Your answer has several upvotes and it is chosen as an accepted answer. 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You may want to modify the wait code so it exits after some time, otherwise it just hangs there forever. I couldnt get it to work, but it might be worth trying with a real username and password. Do While ieApp.Busy: DoEvents: Loop How do I include a JavaScript file in another JavaScript file? Si vous imprimez cette page, choisissez Aperu avant impression dans votre navigateur, ou cliquez sur le lien Version imprimable dans la bote outils, vous verrez cette page sans ce message, ni lments de navigation sur la gauche ou en haut. To insert the code, create a new module with Insert > Module. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. How does it work? hi, i read all comments about getting the explorer to login to a webpage where username and password is needed, i am trying to get my code to do that for me, but iwas unsuccesful, probably i dont get the right input name, let me give here the source page maybe some1 can tell me exactly what to put in the VBA. Do While ieApp.Busy: DoEvents: Loop Do While ieApp.Busy: DoEvents: Loop ieApp.navigate "http://www.installationsblanket.dk/Logon.asp" I am trying to login to the following site, http://www.football-investor.net/index.php?page=login, .user.value = MyUserName Do Until ieApp.ReadyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE: DoEvents: Loop. Thanks! Set htmlBody = htmlDoc.Body The only snag is to tell them which IDs are needed and if there are certain HTML constructs that need to be in the order you defined. None of these are available from the outside at all any more. Here is the tutorial link: https://codeforgeek.com/2019/02/google-recaptcha-v3-tutorial/, We use recaptcha-V3 only to see site traffic quality, and used it as non blocking. If you look around the web youll find a lot of scripts that expect a certain browser and stop working as soon as a new version or another browser comes around. Which equals operator (== vs ===) should be used in JavaScript comparisons? clip.PutInClipboard Comment when there is an important thing to say, and if you do comment use the /* */ notation. I thought a fully-functioning reCaptcha v3 example demo in PHP, using a Bootstrap 4 form, might be useful to some. JSLint can be a bit touchy about the results it returns and as its developer Douglas Crockford says it can hurt your feelings. Removing the slash will comment it out again. Next, make sure the appropriate references are enabled. These include any text used in elements you create (including button values and alternative text for images), CSS class and ID names and general parameters of the interface you build. It will return the String of the HTML returned by a given URL. Now that the administrative work is done and my page is loaded, I get the table that has the id sampletable. Note: This material was previously published as part of the Opera Web Standards Curriculum, available as 42: JavaScript best practices, written by Christian Heilmann. Inside that folder you should save the HTML file created previously. This also prevents us from having a loop inside a loop. Greg: The password is definitely id=password, but the username appears to be generated via javascript. This example shows how to login, retrieve a table, and paste it into Excel. If the user_id is present in the database then the XMLHttpRequest object gets the The W3Schools online code editor allows you to edit code and view the result in your browser Dim xHttp As MSXML2.XMLHTTP Dim hDoc As MSHTML.HTMLDocument. Save large data-set to mySQL table from Javascript without POST? 3. Set CreateHTMLDoc = CreateObject(htmlfile) This also applies to creating helper functions for common tasks. If I click Data->From Web once and login to my site again close the window and click Refresh All then it is working fine. For Each htmlInput In htmlColl ieApp.Navigate http://severe-frost-552.heroku.com/ Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel 2) Try to navigate to a page that requires a login and see if it redirects you to the login screen. function httpGetAction(urlLink) { var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlHttp.open( "GET", urlLink, false ); xmlHttp.send(); return xmlHttp.responseText; } This native JavaScript method is intended to make an HTTP call to the given link urlLink via the GET method and return the response text from the third party resource. there are two places for site key and one place for secret. Keeping to English is a good idea, too. Before I get to the code, I need to do a little homework. The solution was very simple: instead of links we provided the options as a radio button group and did the forking to the different specialist search scripts using a back end script. The second time, I got the same error about InternetExplorer. I wonder how a BAD example like this contains so many up-votes. This is a no-brainer but it is scary how often you will come across variables like x1, fe2 or xbqne in JavaScript, or on the other end of the spectrum variable names like incrementorForMainLoopWhichSpansFromTenToTwenty or createNewMemberIfAgeOverTwentyOneAndMoonIsFull. You signed in with another tab or window. Hi, Employer made me redundant, then retracted the notice after realising that I'm about to start on a new project. PriceValue = Any idea as to why am I getting this error? Range(A1).Select, On the Workspace worksheet, : Theres nothing thats going to tell you if youre logged in or not. With the references configured, we can now write the code for the function. You can get your SITE key and SECRET key here: This is wrong and doesn't take into account the score which is needed in v3. Place your API key in cell A1, then try the following: =TRAVELTIME("24 Sussex Drive Ottawa ON", "Parliament Hill", A1). Next A function called isLegalDrinkingAge() makes more sense than isOverEighteen() as the legal drinking age varies from country to country, and there are other things than drinking to consider that are limited by age. You can avoid that by storing the length value in a different variable: An even shorter way of achieving this is to create a second variable in the pre-loop statement: Another thing to ensure is that you keep computation-heavy code outside loops. Its more complex than this coding but similar. MC2Row = jsht.Cells(jsht.Rows.Count, B).End(xlUp).Row Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. I am not able to find any solution on it.Please rply. The default mode is driving, but refer to the Directions API documentation for information on other modes and adjust the strURL variable accordingly. Can anyone helps me to extract the data from URL and save into Excel. i dont have IE so none of the programming works with excel on the mac. It says it was sent, but I haven't received any emails. .input Name = ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder4$loginbeta$textUsername$_textbox = dailydofdse While ie.Busy But that isnt always the case. For instance need to extract details using roll numbers. Set clip = New DataObject ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Delete It can takes values from 0.0 to 1.0, where 1.0 means the best user interaction with your site and 0.0 the worst interaction (like a bot). On yahoo! s finance page weight loss very likely to come handy. Is amazing how many calls are in the same error about InternetExplorer via. Your react app is quite a tricky business pass and login pretty generic and is important! My ignorance, in this demo use several libraries in the clipboard via DataObject! Addition, as hell know the password is definitely id=password, but its worked a! 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